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Maya Ibelaidene’s Avatar

Maya Ibelaidene

Riverside, California
42 Answers
30612 Reads
62 Karma


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Lilia’s Avatar
Lilia Oct 27, 2020 882 views

What is needed to be a marine biologist or what classes are recommended?

Ever since I was a little girl I had the biggest passion for sea animals and marine life. This is a career I am interested in because I am very devoted to learning about this type of topic. #career #marine #marinebiology

emily’s Avatar
emily Oct 19, 2020 632 views

how long did you go to college to be a surgeon

is it hard to learn everything you need to know to be a surgeon # #surgery

Adriana’s Avatar
Adriana Nov 13, 2020 501 views

What steps do you take to be a obstetrician

When I get older I want to become a obstetrician because I want to help bring life into the world and if that doesn't workout I want to be a surgeon or a in the air force I just want to have a job that helps others. #surgeon #airforce #obstetrician

Ja'Terika’s Avatar
Ja'Terika Nov 13, 2020 956 views

Will you be able to travel when your a lawyer?

I'm in the 11th grade and i don't leave my city much. I just want to be able to travel to new places but also be a lawyer. #lawyer #travel #student

A'Nyah’s Avatar
A'Nyah Nov 13, 2020 399 views

How many years does it take to become an plastic surgeon ?

How many years does it take to become an plastic surgeon ?
#plastic surgeon #surgeon

Hala’s Avatar
Hala Nov 16, 2020 638 views

I want to be an orthodontist, do I have to relate any classes to dentistry during my 4 years of college?

I know I would have to major in a science such as biology or chemistry, but is that it? I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can go from not learning anything about teeth in 4 years, to dental school for another 4 years? #dentistry #college #orthodontist #confusedstudent #helpwouldbenice

Natasha’s Avatar
Natasha Sep 04, 2018 585 views

When do i want to go to school?

Do i want to go to college right after school or do i even want to go to college? #school #college

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Aug 30, 2018 545 views

What school can I find a good medical program with different kinds of medical majors?

#college #school

Laniece’s Avatar
Laniece Aug 24, 2018 1150 views

Is there a way I can pursue a Biology major while also pursuing a minor in International Studies?

#majors #majors-and-minors #college-major #college-minor #biology#international studies

Hattie’s Avatar
Hattie Oct 19, 2020 419 views

On average how many hours does an nicu nurse work on a daily basis?

I would like to be an nicu nurse but I want to know the details. #babies

Tyra’s Avatar
Tyra Oct 19, 2020 542 views

Is it hard studying ? And understanding ?

#midwife #studying

kathryn’s Avatar
kathryn Oct 27, 2020 505 views

What college degrees do I need to become a therapist?

I was thinking about being a therapist so I want to know what college degrees I need. #therapist #college #degrees