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Matt Gardner’s Avatar

Matt Gardner

Data Science and Analytics
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Jose, California
8 Answers
16151 Reads
31 Karma

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Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Nov 03, 2023 472 views

How would I go about finding someone to interview for my finals?

How would I go about going finding someone to interview that is working in a field related to my major? (history) It's for finals and I have no social connection whatsoever.

mel’s Avatar
mel Sep 08, 2023 880 views

Getting a good job...?

Is having a bachelors degree enough to get a good, stable job? (I'm thinking of majoring in computer information)

anthony’s Avatar
anthony Sep 08, 2023 906 views

What bachelor's degree would be the best fit for an Information Security Analysts? If I have the training and experience, do I need the degree? Would a generic Computer Science Bachelor's degree suffice?

I'm currently at Loring Job Corps to get training in Cisco. I'm later planning on take both Advance training programs: Cyper Security Ops and Advance Computer Systems Administration.

madison’s Avatar
madison Aug 24, 2023 836 views

what happens when your profession is not needed anymore?

like if AI replaces your job

Matt’s Avatar
Matt Aug 23, 2023 10617 views

What are some entry-level jobs for a math bachelor's degree?

I've just graduated with a bachelor's degree in math, and I'm looking for a job that I won't have to go back to school for. My degree's mostly been focused on pure math, and some dynamic systems/fractals. I've taken a couple classes in Python, and one class each in R, Java, and SPSS. I've...

Giselle’s Avatar
Giselle Aug 24, 2023 389 views

What do architects actually do?

What do they do on a daily, do you talk to a lot of people and do you ever get days off?

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Aug 24, 2023 1141 views

How much do Marine Biologist get payed on average and is it worth it?

What type of degree do you need?

Karla’s Avatar
Karla May 04, 2023 400 views

How to turn my weaknesses into one of my strengths?

I'm kind of a procrastinator but I always do my work at the last moment, I work better under pressure because I focus more on those types of moments.