Career questions tagged sonographer

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Jadyn301 views

When becoming a sonographer do i need to find a CAAHEP program before college ?

i am very confused on what to do first when looking at the steps to become a sonographer. Because i want to attend a university but online i see most people going to a community college. And does it matter. I would also like to know about the caahep program because the college i want to attend doesnt have a specific ultrasound class or anything and is that gonna effect me in the future

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Jadyn172 views

what are the steps to becoming a sonographer ?

i know i want to go to a four year college, and major in anatomy. but im not sure the steps after, like finding a dms program after college and actually starting the process because the college i want to attend doesnt have a dms program

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jennel671 views

Questions about sonography ?

What are the pros and cons of becoming a sonographer ? Is it a great a career to get ? Is it a secure career for the future? How hard is it and what the job entails? What state is it best to work as a sonographer

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Aryana280 views

What are the main struggles you go through as an Obstetric Sonographer, personal life and work life?

I'm still in high school and taking a medical assisting class but i'm interested in this and would like to know how my lifestyle could be if I pursue this.

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Jhoselyn278 views

Is a Diagnostic Medical Sonography degree fun?What degree is better for Diagnostic Medical Sonography a Bachelors or an Associates??

Sonography field

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Maddie786 views

What inspired you became a sonography tech?

I’m still in high school, and before I get into my program I wanted to know some of the things that inspired other people.

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Sandra454 views

What is the core course requirements in community college for going into a sonography program ? What are some ways a high schooler can prepare for getting into sonography?

I have been looking into sonography and i want to be prepared once I get out of high school. I am not sure what I really need to be prepared with and what classes I should take before going into a sonography program.

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Lizeth326 views

Why did you become a baby sonographer ?

Hello! My name is Lizeth and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the baby ultrasound technician field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. 1) What profession did you choose? Why? 2)How many years of college did you need to go through? 3)What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4)How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5)Were you in a college program? 6)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7)Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11) What was the last stressful situation you encountered in your job, and how did you react? 12)What's one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job? 13) What is your philosophy with medicine and treating patients

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Dayami393 views

What would be a good start to becoming an ultrasound tech?

Any tips or advice would be great! I want to take the right classes in order to help become an ultrasound tech

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Dayami668 views

What do you least like about being an ultrasound tech?

I am wondering if taking the route of being an ultrasound tech is the right one and I want to see some of the cons of this job

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Juan2422 views

Is sonography hard? Could a man have a career in this field despite it being a more woman sided job. Do you enjoy your job?

I want to go to a technical school in Greenville for about 2-3 years.

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Madeline1061 views

How long do you have to go to college to be a Sonographer?

I want to do sonograms on babies

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Malary484 views

What do I need to major in or study to become a Sonographer ?

I am a student in high school, looking to see what job would be best for in the future. I was just wondering what I would need to do to become a sonographer.

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Kaylynn690 views

Where are good places to go to school for sonography in Oklahoma?

I am leaving my current career and need some advice.

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jennel816 views

I am interested in becoming an obstetric sonographer. What are the steps in becoming a sonographer in the USA, Canada, and the Uk?

I want to know which of these countries is the best route to take to achieve my goals

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Quincey572 views

Do medical offices prefer for you to have more experience with a 4 year college? or does it not matter how long you do schooling? (Ultrasound technician)

#college #healthcare #ultrasoundtech #sonographer #babies #radiology

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Quincey500 views

How many years do you need to go to college to be a travel ultrasound technician?

#college #ultrasoundtech #travel #sonographer #traveljob

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Kayloni796 views

What steps do I need to take in order to become a medical sonographer in Ny

#medical #sonography #sonographer What colleges should I look into.

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Jessica458 views

Do you have good interpersonal skills?

#sonographer #general

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Jessica582 views

What's it like being a sonographer?

#sonography #sonographer #medical-field

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Briana1828 views

What is the average pay for a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer?

I am beginning my classes in the fall for my Associates Degree in DMS and would like an idea of what I should be considering when pursuing a career after graduation. #hospital #radiology #ultrasound #sonographer #finance #career #career-counseling #healthcare

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Briana1994 views

Where is the best place to practice Diagnostic Medical Sonography? Hospital, Doctor's Office, Clinic, etc?

I am pursuing a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography and beginning my classes in the fall. #ultrasound #sonographer #medicine #healthcare #career #career-counseling

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Tiffany1514 views

What are the requirements to become a Sonographer and how hard is it to become one, also, what is the day to day experience the job offers?

I am a sophmore in high school wanting to map out what I want my future to be and how successful i will be doing so. I want to limit my future career plans to my top 5 so I have a smaller choices to chose from my senior year. #college #medicine #ultrasound #sonographer

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Rian1470 views

How much money does an ultrasound sonographer make in a year?

I would like to know this because it gives me an opportunity to know how I will be able to manage a house or a bills within ageing. #ultrasound #sonographer

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