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Mason Sheffield’s Avatar

Mason Sheffield

Wireless Sales
Sales and Related Occupations
Savannah, Georgia
8 Answers
19584 Reads
21 Karma

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naomi’s Avatar
naomi Jan 20, 2018 1945 views

How to bounce back from failure when you have depression ?

For most of my life, I’ve been a pretty good student. People always expected me to get into Ivy League but I went to SUNY instead. The work load is easy for me but after getting severe depression and anxiety, my grades have plummeted and I lost all my financial aid after appeal. I feel like...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Aug 15, 2019 998 views

How to handle having depression in a research career?

I'm looking to become a psychology researcher. I understand that research careers can be fairly stressful. However, I've also suffered from depression for a decade and expect I will still be dealing with it when I attain my career. How can I go about handling my illness while also successfully...

Uma’s Avatar
Uma Mar 05, 2017 2121 views

What are some ways that people have found helpful for dealing with mental illness in the professional world?

I'm a high school student concerned about how my mental health issues (multiple anxiety disorders) may impact my professional career in the future. I'd love to hear from people who have had experience with this issue. #professional #careers #mental-health #depression #mental-illness #anxiety...

Jeniel’s Avatar
Jeniel Jan 20, 2018 1769 views

Ways to cope with anxiety in college?

I struggle a lot with anxiety in school, especially when I get stressed out. It's been so bad my junior year that I had to drop a lot of extra-curriculars and one of my harder classes. Although it's been slowly getting better, I'm very concerned about the toll it will take on me once I hit...

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Dec 08, 2020 1045 views

What are you favorite coping mechanisms for anxiety?

I am a soon to be college undergraduate - graduate! I am majoring in Psychology at CSUMB. I am very interested in cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology, and forensic psychology. I have aspirations to get my Masters degree as well as a PhD. #mental-health-counseling #psychologydegree

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Oct 28, 2020 678 views

What advice would you give for someone considering working as a Archaeologist?

I am in 9th grade and the classes that I'm interested most in is Science and History. Something I'm really interested and looking to find a career in is Archaeology.
#Archaeology #Science #History

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 04, 2017 13455 views

What will make you stand out at a job interview?

Hey! I was just wondering what could make me stand out a little when I go to a job interview. Would it be something that I would say, something that I would do, or something else? Thank you! #business #medicine #teaching #law #technology #interviews #information-technology #customer-service

madison’s Avatar
madison Nov 13, 2020 1525 views

what tips can help me get into college

i want to go to college and learn some things and want people to give me advice so i can know what to do and when do i start my college #technology #engineering #scientist #my college #college .