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kate turnamian’s Avatar

kate turnamian

IT Auditor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
New York, New York
9 Answers
10083 Reads
41 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 30, 2023 942 views

What is the college with the best kinesiology program How to keep great study habits? What is the best way to get into sports medicine in high school? ?

I would like to know the colleges with the best kinesiology program.

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis Aug 30, 2023 544 views

How do people create an application on the internet and successfully and it so big ?

You can come up with an idea and then start planning out your idea and marketing it on the internet for people to get interested in it and download it

Ro’s Avatar
Ro Aug 30, 2023 1084 views

How to College Search?

How can I start college searching without a college in mind? I want to start during my sophomore year to have a head start before my junior and senior years.

Karlene’s Avatar
Karlene Aug 30, 2023 3108 views

When stuck with two passions what to do?

When stuck between two passions that have nothing related to each other how do you know what’s the right one for you to choose

Max’s Avatar
Max Aug 22, 2023 509 views

How do you get people to see your art? I have some of it out but I don’t know how to get it publicity. Such as different ways to market it by myself without anyone else. Thanks.

How do you get people to see your art? I have some of it out but I don’t know how to get it publicity. Such as different ways to market it by myself without anyone else. Thanks.

Maya’s Avatar
Maya Aug 18, 2023 662 views

What are things you can do in high-school that stands out to colleges?

I’m a incoming student at Grosse Pointe South in Grosse Pointe Michigan. School is very important to me so the question that often comings to mind when I think about going to higher is, “ Am I making the right choices for classes and extra curricular activities?”. I definitely need help coming...

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Jul 30, 2023 1421 views

How can I become a part of the Information Technology World?

How can I develop my knowledge of information technology with a concentration in software development and analysis? I'm willing to learn with great listening skills and Adept learning skills. Enrolled at American InterContinental University for my Bachelor's Degree in Science of Information...

Javon’s Avatar
Javon Jul 31, 2023 1239 views

What proficiency would be considered paramount in scientific fields?

I understand that people in these fields need to be proficient in science and critical thinking, as well as curious. Can you tell me more about how these factors are used in your work, if at all? Which of these, if any, would you find most important for your line of work?

kassnadra’s Avatar
kassnadra Jul 13, 2023 588 views

How do I know what career to choose and how do i find what i’m passionate about and what makes a job gina be not feel annoying and boring every day?

I don’t want to live a boring life and don’t know what to do. I feel like desk jobs are boring and yeah