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Lisa G. Ullman’s Avatar

Lisa G. Ullman

Director at PwC - specializing in pensions and employee benefit actuarial consulting
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Brookline, Massachusetts
29 Answers
32430 Reads
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Amy’s Avatar
Amy Nov 27, 2018 632 views

Where do I find a job with Math major

I just graduated from college (B.S) with major in math. I am trying to find a job but so far no luck.
I do not want to do teaching or tutoring. So, is there any other option? What is the best way for me to find a job that can use my math knowledge?
Thanks for your help!
#Math job

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen May 27, 2018 1120 views

What are some different career choices for a future in mathematics or science?

I am really good at math and it is one of my favorite subjects in school, as well as science. The only one I can think of is an actuary, and that type of job seems like it would get boring after doing the same thing for years. #Math #Mathematics #Actuary

Paige’s Avatar
Paige May 23, 2018 1000 views

What is the starting salary for someone in actuary science?

Interested in actuary science, might want to go into the field in the future. #actuary #science #business

Seth’s Avatar
Seth Jan 22, 2018 1148 views

What are some fields for people(myself) that excel in Math?

I don’t know what I want to major in/do in my future however I plan on taking calculus (as a junior) and have a 4.0. I know I have endless choices I just don’t know of any specific jobs. #choosing-a-major #college-major #college-majors #mathmatics #math #college

Collin’s Avatar
Collin May 18, 2016 1432 views

I am an Economics major and wondering what would be a great minor?

My name is Collin and I attend Virginia Tech. I am majoring in Economics and was looking at a few different minors, either Marketing or Leadership. #economics

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 24, 2018 1188 views

How long does the tests after getting a degree in Actuarial science take?

I know there are many tests but how long do you need in between exams? #actuary #science #actuarial-science #stem

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Oct 29, 2016 1086 views

What are common career paths for a math major?

I am interested in math, but cannot see myself teaching. What other possibilities are there? #applied-mathematics

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella May 27, 2016 1049 views

What jobs can you get with a math degree?

I am planning on majoring in mathematics because I love the subject, but I am not sure what kind of career options I will have/ #mathematics #doctorate-degree

Danial’s Avatar
Danial Jan 18, 2018 764 views

What're the occupational differences between pure and applied mathematics?

I'm not so much asking about or for examples of jobs that use pure or applied mathematics as I am asking about the work environment of pure and applied mathematics. What's the work like in both? What's similar and what's different?


Youssef’s Avatar
Youssef Jan 19, 2018 655 views

What is a job in mathematics

Im still a 9th grater but all he major surveys say that I should major in #math.

Bridget’s Avatar
Bridget Oct 23, 2016 2337 views

What types of math are typically used by an actuary?

I love the practical application of math and am considering a career as an actuary. #actuarial-science

Hashir’s Avatar
Hashir Nov 03, 2016 1284 views

Should I major in theoretical mathematics or applied mathematics in undergraduate?

I've taken both theoretical and applied math courses, but I was wondering what the different prospects in terms of career paths there are from one versus the other? #career #career-path #mathematics #undergraduate #applied-mathematics #theoretical

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 01, 2017 890 views

What can I do with a PHD in Mathematics

Its what I plan on pursuing in college #math

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Oct 29, 2016 877 views

What companies might be interested in hiring mathematics majors?

I'm interested in pursuing a mathematics major. #mathematics

Nick’s Avatar
Nick Oct 23, 2016 1238 views

I'm interested in mathematics and computer coding, what careers are available

I love both algebra and computer coding and would like to combine both in a career, what may be available and what colleges and majors should i be looking at #computer-software #computer #mathematics #algebra