Jerin Varughese
Montreal, Quebec, CanadaBadges

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In what field can I give back the most?
I know that medicine is needed to heal people and that technology creates various things to help people as well as how engineers are needed to build our homes and structures that we use everyday. Though what I want to know is what field should I go into that could potentially help the most...

Is it ever too late to go back to school?
I've recently gone back to school and feel like by the time I graduate I'll be to old to start out in a new field.
#goingbacktoschool #academic-advising #college

What study methods can I use to improve the amount of knowledge I retain?
I want to be a successful student. #success #study #studying-tips #studies #study-skills #academic-advising

If my GPA isn't the best, do I still have opportunities to apply for scholarships?
#confused #help #scholarships #medicine

What is the study of computer technology?
I'd love to learn more about the study of computers and what potential jobs exist if one were to major in computers. #computer #computer-software #science #college

How can students attend college for free with the use of grants and scholarships?
I am asking because I myself want to go and attend school debt free. I want to receive the most for my education and would hate to settle for a school that doesn't provide the necessary sources for me to succeed. #Classof2022 #scholarships #financial-planning #college-advice #college

what is a job that involves teaching others about computers?
I love computers and want to teach other people about them. #computer-software #computer #science #college #career

What are the Pros and Cons of Switching to a Computer Science Major?
Hi my name is Emily and I am currently a Nursing major but I would like to switch to computer science. Before I would like to switch, I would like to know what I would be getting into and the pros and cons of a computer science degree. #science #computer #major

What are some good internships to take to learn about computer programming?
I want to learn more, but I don't wanna work alone! I need a mentor to help guide me through this journey. #computer-software #computer-science #programming #information-technology

How do I become an IAS officer?
My dream is to become an IAS officer. How do I become one?
#ias #career #military #government #college

How much does a writer make?
How much does a writer make? And what are the highlights of being a writer? And also some things that you have to do to become a writer? #journalism #writing

Is becoming a doctor better in the long run than being a nurse?
I would like to either be a pediatric nurse or pediatrician and I'm not sure if being a doctor would be easier in the long run and better for me than being a nurse. What do you do differently when you are a doctor that you can't do as a nurse? #pediatrician #pediatric-nursing #doctor #nursing...

What is the most paying technology career salary
I want to be successful working with computers when I get older #financial-planning

What do software developers do everyday?
What type of projects do you work on? What coding language do you use the most? What do you need to get done everyday? #computer-science #computer-software #software-development #software-design

Which college is the best for computer science?
I just wanted to know which college is best for computer science.
#INeedComputerScience #computer #computer-software #computer-science #information-technology