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Harman’s Avatar
Harman Jul 16 263 views

what are the qualification for animal husbandry?

whats animal husbandry

Lorelai’s Avatar
Lorelai May 16 347 views

Please help me find a Career?

Hi. So I thought about what career do I want for myself for a long time- but I struggle to find one that fit me. I feel like the things that I'm good at, and the things that I often passionate about are quite different- and so I'm a bit lost. I've been wondering, searching and tirelessely...

hayden’s Avatar
hayden May 08 477 views

how did you know what to write?

I'm stuck and dont know what to do

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Apr 08 287 views

How can I get a focus based on the path way I want to follow for my career choice?

How can I get a focus based on the path way I want to follow for my career choice

Walter’s Avatar
Walter Dec 15, 2023 703 views

Where to search best career?

Where or what site would i find career guide

daneielle’s Avatar
daneielle Nov 19, 2023 484 views

Looking for science related career path?

I am really unsure what I want to do.. No Med school, no patient care, no teaching. I really enjoy science itself but sitting and doing research my whole life just sounds boring. If anyone can help with a lucrative career path that has to do with science. I really liked immunology, etc in...

daneielle’s Avatar
daneielle Nov 19, 2023 314 views

What type of entry job to apply to while looking for career path?

What type of jobs that are entry level should I apply for while I try to figure out my career path, that may provide me with useful skills? Interested in science, immuno, etc, no Med school. No patient care. Thanks!

Allison’s Avatar
Allison Oct 19, 2023 679 views

Im planning on pursuing law school, is family law or criminal law more beneficial?

Im planning on pursuing law school, is family law or criminal law more beneficial?

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Sep 01, 2023 1281 views

When is the best time to start looking into scholarships?

As a high schooler, what grade would you suggest to start looking into scholarships for college

Sage’s Avatar
Sage Jul 18, 2023 406 views

How did you figure out that the mental health feild was right for you?

I keep going from really passionate about helping people with mental illness to scared that I won't like it as much as I think. What helped you make that choice?

Jaden’s Avatar
Jaden Jul 11, 2023 280 views

What is the best way to get noticed by college?

How can you stand out?

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea May 23, 2023 536 views

Do I need a colllege degree to be a flight attendant?

I want to take a career in hospitality. And I would like to travel, so I could either work on a cruise ship or be a flight attendant. So this is why I'm asking.

daneielle’s Avatar
daneielle Apr 10, 2023 677 views

Careers similar to pathology, immmunology, microbiology, etc. without a PhD?

I am interested in things like immunology, medicine, etc. however not willing to go to medical school, but want to make a decent salary. Looking for possible career paths. I am a senior in college graduating with a Biology degree, however haven't had any luck with lab internships to gain exposure

daneielle’s Avatar
daneielle Apr 10, 2023 388 views

I am looking for a career that is not patient care or medical school but involved with a biology major and possibly a masters?

I am not sure if I want to get my masters, but I feel like I will need to have that for a good paying career in science that is not a doctor. Not sure where I am looking for a masters program, probably on east coast.

mya’s Avatar
mya Mar 30, 2023 1415 views

How do I know if I've chosen the right major?

How do I know if I've chosen the right major for me?

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