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Bruce Coe’s Avatar

Bruce Coe

Customer Support
Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Belmont, California
28 Answers
29695 Reads
92 Karma

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Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Nov 02, 2021 648 views

Is being a computer scientist stressful?


Jlane’s Avatar
Jlane Oct 05, 2021 456 views

What steps do I need to learn in order to become an advanced coder?

I've been wanting to code for a while now and now I get to learn some. I'm not sure if we will be learning about javascript here, but I want to learn more about computer techs because I want to be a youtuber when I grow up. I also want to be a web designer or a video game designer! #technology...

Paco’s Avatar
Paco Nov 02, 2021 424 views

What should I know about the tech field?

What type of things/ skills should I know or have that are useful in this industry? #technology

Bruce’s Avatar
Bruce Nov 06, 2021 824 views

People in Computer Science job fields, what is it like?

I want to know job experiences of people already working in CS so I can know what to expect. #computer-science #computer #technology #computer-science #coding

Garvin’s Avatar
Garvin Nov 05, 2021 814 views

What are some good options for jobs in computer science?

I’m 18, I’m a senior at Burton High School! #computer #computer-science #science #technology #computer-software

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Mar 18, 2021 726 views

What should i ask my classmates if i need help?

#classmates #help #school

Piarra’s Avatar
Piarra Mar 18, 2021 646 views

How did you know that you wanted to be a special education teacher?

I am an 8th grader and I am doing research on different jobs that I might be interested in. #teacher

kaiden’s Avatar
kaiden Mar 18, 2021 1096 views

is being in a computer program hard

#programming #program #computer-programming

Braydon’s Avatar
Braydon Mar 18, 2021 633 views

Why is the demand for Database Administrators going up?

When I get older, a job I would consider is a DBA. However, I read about the demand for this position going up. Why is that? #jobs #job-search #job

isabella’s Avatar
isabella Mar 19, 2021 1208 views

What are the best first jobs to get at 16-18

I’m looking to find out what are the best mainstream first jobs with a good work environment that are easy to work in and are good for first time workers. Like highest pay, ones that give you the most experience, but not too high pressure or high stress environments. Thanks! :) #work #firstjobs

Farrah’s Avatar
Farrah Mar 19, 2021 775 views

What is the best major for me if I’m interested in math and i’m so good at it

I am interested in logistics, business administration, computer science, and supply chain management #math #aerospace-engineering #business-management

angel’s Avatar
angel Mar 19, 2021 1247 views

what are the benefits of going or not going to college?

I'm in 9th grade. I'm asking this question to see if college is helpful


Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan May 31, 2019 537 views

Is it better to work at a smaller Managed Healthcare company or at a larger Managed Healthcare company like United Health Group for chances to be promoted to CTO after awhile?

#healthcare #technology

Jesus’s Avatar
Jesus Aug 07, 2019 799 views

What ablities and skills are needed in the computer tech field?

#computer #technology

Elleyna’s Avatar
Elleyna Mar 20, 2018 870 views

Technology and Performing Arts

My father has tried to tell me that the opportunities for Performing Arts majors (vocal - opera singer) are significantly reduced in this day of technology and that less people are going to live performance. I disagree, but maybe he has a point and there will be less opportunities than...