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Katie Ko’s Avatar

Katie Ko

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
East Brunswick, New Jersey
10 Answers
13401 Reads
31 Karma

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Dianne’s Avatar
Dianne Aug 06, 2023 2855 views

How does going to college help me in the future?

I don’t know if I want to go to college yet but I want to know if it will help me be more successful if I do decide to go.

Jerry’s Avatar
Jerry May 25, 2023 1012 views

what kind of apps can i use right for video making ?

what are free apps can i use?

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Aug 03, 2023 1325 views

If you could go back to when you were choosing/applying to colleges, what would you do differently?

There's so much out there about applying to college and I've been trying to get as much help as I can from that, but what are some of the most important things to think about/do?

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Aug 07, 2023 2399 views

When going into college, is it fine to not have a clear idea of what you want to do?

I am only a sophomore in high school and I have a general gist of what I would like to do, but I am not really sure if I could decide when the time comes later. There's a few things I enjoy but I don't really know how classes will work for college exactly. I really like subjects like biology...

MaKayla’s Avatar
MaKayla Aug 07, 2023 1250 views

How do I know what to do?

All of the people around me seem to know what they want to do and I don’t. How do I know what to do when I graduate high school in a few years? What can I do to prepare myself? How can I feel confident in myself when I make my own life?

celeste’s Avatar
celeste Aug 08, 2023 749 views

How do I find the career that best suits me?

How do I find the career that best suits me? I want to go into premed but I'm not sure if it is right for me. How can I see if its right for me?

’s Avatar
Jun 08, 2023 1942 views

how important is a top uni?

as a current junior

Precious’s Avatar
Precious Jun 04, 2023 1608 views

What is is like to be a freshman in college?

What is is like to be a freshman in college?

Maddie’s Avatar
Maddie May 28, 2023 655 views

How do I pick what to do in college and with the rest of my life?

I am starting my senior year of high school in the fall and I've been thinking about what I want to do in the future. I really love film and I've been interested in becoming a director or cinematographer, however, I've been told that they aren't practical enough. The alternative is...

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia Jun 03, 2015 1561 views

What are some necessary things you need to pursue filmmaking/writing?

I am interested in the career, however I don't know what a director needs to make a film great. I am dedicated and a perfectionist, and like to make things the best quality before releasing them to the public. Are there other things you need, or should I hone the skills I have now for the...