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Roundup, Montana
2 Questions
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Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Jul 24, 2023 887 views

Should I be saving the money I earn for college?

I'm an upcoming junior in high school and I work a minimum wage job. It's more of a part-time job or internship, but I've been saving most of my paycheck for college because I'm almost terrified of not having enough money to pay for it. I've been stressing over finances and scholarships and I...

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Caitlin Jul 06, 2023 8952 views

How do you find your passion and turn it into a career?

I participate in a wide variety of hobbies and activities like track, volleyball, art, band, you name it, I've probably done something similar. I've considered careers in every single one of these areas, but none of them seem to truly stick. I have a suspicion that my true passion could simply...