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Hunter ’s Avatar
Hunter Oct 21, 2015 1725 views

What is the difference betweeen buisness management and Entrepreneurship?

Hello My name is Hunter and I would like to know the difference between business management and Entrepreneurship. My dad owns a company and I have gone down to the company with him and worked a little and seen that that would something of interest as a career in the future. There lies my...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian Apr 21, 2015 1717 views

What are some skills you learned outside of college that helped you in your field of Engineering?

While college education is a must in today's job market, what are some skills you learned outside of your schooling that helped you as an engineer in terms of competing in the job market? #engineering #electrical-engineering

Billien ’s Avatar
Billien Mar 23, 2015 1850 views

Im currently in highschool trying to figure out in what aspect of computer programmimg would I like to be in?

trying to find out if computer programming would be a good career for me #computer #program

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Dec 12, 2014 1185 views

What kind of classes would I have to take to be a Computer and Informational Research Scientist?

I have always been interested in pursuing a career in the Computer Science field, and based on my research I feel that I am the most interested in being a Computer and Informational Research Scientist. However, I do not know what classes I should take in college to get there. #college...

Earl’s Avatar
Earl Jan 08, 2015 1481 views

How can I have a career in creating programs and research the latest computing theory.

I know what aspect of computer programming I want to do, but I need some help getting there. #computer-science #computer #programming #computer-programming