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Vikram TM’s Avatar

Vikram TM

Client Tech Support at Dell International Services
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
15 Answers
19914 Reads
86 Karma


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Soundarya’s Avatar
Soundarya Jun 27, 2016 2639 views

I want to be entrepreneur. Which field should I choose to do innovation?

i wanted start my own enterprise to create jobs and devleop econmical envenoment... #entrepreneurship #software #entrepreneur #manager #ceo #business-idea #retail

Felicia’s Avatar
Felicia Jul 20, 2016 1032 views

What is the best way to get me to stop telling myself that I'm not 'good enough' for a certain college?

I'm asking this question because I'm a high schooler who will be going through the college admissions process in a year a so, and I know many high schoolers are angry, frustrated, and stressed out over getting into a 'good' college. So I wanted to know how we can tell ourselves that life isn't...

Abdul’s Avatar
Abdul Jun 28, 2016 684 views

i have completed my 10th by scoring 86% and started studying diploma in govt college E.E.branch..but after 2nd semester i left the course due to financial probleem in my family,,

but now i want to continue studying but my age is 22..but i cant study for 3years from now.. so sir please guide me by suggesting any short term courses in which i can get easily highly paid jobs...i can study and score in any field.. please do reply #any

Jayashankar’s Avatar
Jayashankar Apr 29, 2016 3455 views

what is the skill required to become a Computer Engineer?

I am Jayashankar I want to become a Computer Engineer.So I want know what are skill required? #computer #student #computer-engineering #masters #teach

tadesse’s Avatar
tadesse Apr 20, 2016 2184 views

what IT short course could provide me with average salary ?

i am new to the states,i have basic networking knowledge back home also i have associate degree from a university. #computer-security #databases #network-security #cloud-computing #cisco-technologies #ccna #cisco-certified #oracle

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jul 20, 2016 1260 views

Where can I get engineering books very cheap?

Hello. My name is Michael and I am a first year engineering major. My plan is to go to A & M Galveston to major in Maritime Engineering with the licensing option. I am doing my homework right now. I have a list of books the Coast Guard gets their questions from. Anyway, is there any good...

sandeep’s Avatar
sandeep May 05, 2016 1060 views

i want to become a techincian in IT company r?please guide me for career

hi! i am sandeep from ghs j b nagar bengaluru #any #professional

BHARATH KUMAR Jun 24, 2016 1285 views

I am very interested in Account Managment. After school which courses choose in my best future career?

I am studying in 11 std which course avail in account management. #management #account

Chaithanya’s Avatar
Chaithanya Jun 27, 2016 946 views

i wanted to be a biologist? which subject i must chool after my puc..

i wanted to work in biology department... #doctor #professor #biologist

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie May 28, 2016 1352 views

What would you recommend to make the transition from college to career easier?

It's hard to know what will help you get a real world job and experience and things to help get you hired. The only advise I have gotten so far is internships but is that the only thing? #career #career-change #career-plan

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jul 17, 2016 1140 views

Can I add freelance work to my resume?

I have done some freelance work and want to know if I can add it to resume. #career-counseling