Vikram TM

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I want to be entrepreneur. Which field should I choose to do innovation?
i wanted start my own enterprise to create jobs and devleop econmical envenoment... #entrepreneurship #software #entrepreneur #manager #ceo #business-idea #retail

What is the best way to get me to stop telling myself that I'm not 'good enough' for a certain college?
I'm asking this question because I'm a high schooler who will be going through the college admissions process in a year a so, and I know many high schoolers are angry, frustrated, and stressed out over getting into a 'good' college. So I wanted to know how we can tell ourselves that life isn't...

i have completed my 10th by scoring 86% and started studying diploma in govt college E.E.branch..but after 2nd semester i left the course due to financial probleem in my family,,
but now i want to continue studying but my age is 22..but i cant study for 3years from now.. so sir please guide me by suggesting any short term courses in which i can get easily highly paid jobs...i can study and score in any field.. please do reply #any

what is the skill required to become a Computer Engineer?
I am Jayashankar I want to become a Computer Engineer.So I want know what are skill required? #computer #student #computer-engineering #masters #teach

what IT short course could provide me with average salary ?
i am new to the states,i have basic networking knowledge back home also i have associate degree from a university. #computer-security #databases #network-security #cloud-computing #cisco-technologies #ccna #cisco-certified #oracle

Where can I get engineering books very cheap?
Hello. My name is Michael and I am a first year engineering major. My plan is to go to A & M Galveston to major in Maritime Engineering with the licensing option. I am doing my homework right now. I have a list of books the Coast Guard gets their questions from. Anyway, is there any good...

i want to become a techincian in IT company r?please guide me for career
hi! i am sandeep from ghs j b nagar bengaluru #any #professional

I am very interested in Account Managment. After school which courses choose in my best future career?
I am studying in 11 std which course avail in account management. #management #account

i wanted to be a biologist? which subject i must chool after my puc..
i wanted to work in biology department... #doctor #professor #biologist

What would you recommend to make the transition from college to career easier?
It's hard to know what will help you get a real world job and experience and things to help get you hired. The only advise I have gotten so far is internships but is that the only thing? #career #career-change #career-plan

Can I add freelance work to my resume?
I have done some freelance work and want to know if I can add it to resume. #career-counseling