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Jordan Rivera’s Avatar

Jordan Rivera

Senior Community Manager at CareerVillage
Management Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Soquel, California


112 Answers
408739 Reads
584 Karma


Civic Duty
Nicolas’s Avatar
Nicolas Mar 19, 2018 850 views

Why do almost all the questions on this site have no comments or answers

Just trying to figure the game here.

#meta #careervillage

Chaslyn’s Avatar
Chaslyn Jan 16, 2018 847 views

I am intending to pursue a BFA in Dance as my major in college with a minor Arts Management or Business with a career goal to dance professionally. How critical is it to attend a college in New York City vs great universities in places like Texas or Ohio?

My career vision is to dance professionally, including opportunities like a professional dance company, Broadway shows, LA productions, or traveling touring companies. I realize I cannot dance forever, so I would then want to transition into a role either as a choreographer, setter, or in the...

Yanet’s Avatar
Yanet Nov 06, 2017 1913 views

I feel like I am stuck in the wrong major and how do I move forward?

I'm currently a sophomore in college pursuing Dietetics. I'm enrolled in Trigonometry, INTRO to chemistry, and I had to withdraw from Precalculus. I absolutely hate chemistry and I am struggling badly in it and in most of the classes that come with the major. Also, part of me chose this career...

Kylee’s Avatar
Kylee May 18, 2016 1200 views

Is it easier to go to a junior college first then transfer to a 4-year?

just needed some extra help #college #college-bound #community-college

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 24, 2016 1215 views

In terms of event advertising, what are some key tips to help promote and increase participant turn-out?

I served as President and Director of Marketing for my Residence Hall Council. As result, I had to make several flyers promoting the events we were hosting. Thanks to some of my prior art and design classes, I had some understanding of what captured people's attentions. However, I knew there...

Mikayla’s Avatar
Mikayla May 07, 2016 1053 views

Would it beneficial to major/minor in another field when going into the major of Communications?

I'm not sure if the field of communications has a large market for jobs, so I was wondering if also majoring/minoring would help me in case I cannot get a job pertaining to communications. #communications