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undefined's avatar
Emmanuel2 views

How can I apply for internships ?

How do I go about applying for internships or entry level roles in a place or company I am very much interested to work in? Thanks for your response in advance.

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tyler4 views

what is the biggest achievement one can get?

am good with data, where can i work

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Tristan6 views

I'd like to work with animals. What careers are available for me ?

What careers focus in animals?

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Md8 views

What's the requirement to get admission here?

Msbdnnf xkd dxj

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Favour6 views

What is computer engineering ?

100 level, my favorite class is assembly language

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Jeremiah10 views

What does a veterinary doctor do?

Veterinary doctor and what they do and what kind animals they treat, how they restraint the animals and what's there pay like, and can they be found in parks

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Scott15 views

Why am i supposed to go to college?

I need to know more

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Jaeyeong28 views

How to start a beverage company

Hello, I am the person who asked the question last time. In order to start a beverage company, would it be a good idea to work at a beverage company? And if you want to join a company such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, or Red Bull and learn how to make beverages, what major should you choose as your main major?

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undefined's avatar
Md49 views

How ar you your name how ar you?

Get a kotha bolte paros na je amar loge kotha bolte pari na je amar loge kotha bolte pari na je amar loge kotha bolte pari na je amar loge kotha bolte pari

undefined's avatar
Pearl41 views

What are some job opportunities that don't demand high-level skills but still provide money to pay your bills?

I know skills are important for a successful career, but acquiring all those skills takes time. Meanwhile, you also need to pay your bills, so money is important too, right?

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Tyler45 views

is millitary a good job?

i have much interested

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Billie36 views

How can students receive financial support?

I am a student but my financial ability is not good so I want to receive help from the school

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vicky76 views

Does anyone know what my teacher means when he says "do not simply connect one footnote source to the next" mean?

i think my brain is gone.

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Grace106 views

What would you suggest as a good career path to someone who enjoys learning and helping others understand concepts (e.g. disease process)?

Currently an RN (passed boards Nov 2023 and got registered on Jan 2024) working in a non-bedside role (CPO) with no actual clinical experience. I am considering taking up Masters of Arts in Nursing if I find an affordable opportunity because I feel like I want to study more but I'm not sure if it's for me and I don't really know where that can take me in my career. I am interested in MAN non-thesis because I like being able to learn new things and question as to why things are in a certain way. I get a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from learning and being able to understand things in depth. I also did consider like research nursing or being and educator, but I feel like I might need bedside experience for those... I don't think I'm strong enough to be at the bedside (life-death is in your hands), I enjoy more of the knowledge side of things. A part of me also really wants to travel so if ever an opportunity arises that I can either afford through a scholarship to study masters abroad, I would love that especially since I grew up outside of the PH in the first place and I long for diversity so much. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what paths I can take with this in mind.

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Lismeyir72 views

How I can found a job?

I don’t know how to found a job

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