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Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

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Ashman’s Avatar
Ashman Jan 21 1257 views

how do I earn money as a 7th grader

how do I earn money as a 7th grader

Nayeli’s Avatar
Nayeli Jul 30, 2024 700 views

What job should I choose after graduation?

What job should I choose after graduation?

isabel’s Avatar
isabel Aug 05, 2023 662 views

How do you prepare yourself for applying for college out of state?

I am a rising junior and I am so nervous for applying to colleges out of state but what is important to get recognition for out of school colleges?

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Jul 24, 2023 550 views

How do you truly know what you want to do in life ?

i know people say if you do what you enjoy in life it wont be work but what if you don't know what that is. or the fear of going through all that schooling just to get bored with that specialty or decided that's not for you anymore.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jul 03, 2023 607 views

What is the best way to save your money without overwhelming yourself?

I do not want to overwhelm myself with a ton of work while also trying to keep good grades with my schooling.

baileigh’s Avatar
baileigh Jun 08, 2023 547 views

what are the biggest challenges as a park ranger? What are the advancements?

After I graduate, being a park ranger is the job that I am most interested in. I want to know some of the downsides that come with the job, so I know what to look out for.

edan’s Avatar
edan May 09, 2023 1075 views

How many hours?

How many hours will I be working in a week of doing welding?

Trever’s Avatar
Trever Jan 23, 2022 2892 views

How long will I be away from home as a Pipeline Welder?

I am wanting to pursue my career as a Pipeline Welder and was wondering about the time I would be away from home.
#career #welding #pipeline #bluecollarboys

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