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Munazza Ilyas’s Avatar

Munazza Ilyas

Business Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
21 Answers
28482 Reads
12 Karma

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Yash’s Avatar
Yash Nov 09, 2020 1240 views

How do I stay motivated and go to work with the right attitude and mindset?

#work #mindset #motivation #right attitude

Hafsa’s Avatar
Hafsa Jun 20, 2016 809 views

What can i start doing now to ensure i will get a good job when i graduate?

Present i am studying class 10 #any

Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Jun 02, 2021 557 views

When I put the word out for my business would it be a good idea to tag higher up businesses such as me?

#business #boss

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Feb 03, 2022 1226 views

Which college courses are most beneficial for people wanting a career in fashion/business?

#fashion #business

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra Jan 16, 2022 3533 views

Is there another word besides consultant to use when you offer a variety of services?

#undecided #career #professional #selfemployment

Erie’s Avatar
Erie Nov 17, 2021 2646 views

how can someone go about getting into the Big 4 without having a finance degree and coming out of a college that did not have the big 4 recruiting from them.

#business #big4

mery’s Avatar
mery Nov 13, 2021 657 views

what is the best MSc in business and management?

I am studying bachelor in international business management #business #entrepreneur #management #business-management #international #universities #Masters #MSc

Jimmy’s Avatar
Jimmy Oct 14, 2021 1108 views

What education level do you need to setup a business?

#business #entrepreneur

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Sep 14, 2021 645 views

What extra curriculars would look good on college apps when majoring in business?

I have done volunteering, jobs, and others to help my social skills and hopefully it will be useful in the future. #business

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey Sep 17, 2021 832 views

What are some of the few ways to catch up or self learn for any coding-related careers?

I really want to pursue a career in programming, but only have a little experience with programming. I am also applying to college in a few months, and wanting to major in CS. Should I self learn or catch up, and should I be worried?
#career #math #computer #programming

britney’s Avatar
britney Aug 13, 2021 820 views

Can you know more about myself?

I'm passionate about learning new things #computer #technology

Duy’s Avatar
Duy May 21, 2016 995 views


So how does one find what they are passionate about, what major they want to go in. Im not sure about that. As of right now im considering physics because of astrophysics. When you find what you are passionate about and take the courses for that major do you ever struggle, or ask yourself "Is...

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Sep 28, 2020 6662 views

Is Fintech a good major to take?

Hi, I am planning on taking Fintech for my masters. Do i need to have very good math or statistics skills? Also is the degree something that can help me get a job faster? Thank you. #career #math #fintech #finance #technology #masterdegree #degree #statistics

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Jan 24, 2018 899 views

Is it better to take time off right out of college?

What are your thoughts on this? A lot of people have asked me if I am going to take a gap year or go backpacking for a few months. I'd like to know if there is a way to make this travel experience relevant to PR and maybe find a way to use it as a work experience type of thing. Thoughts? #PR...

Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Jun 04, 2021 567 views

How do i know if my business is doing good or bad?

#business #career