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Military Specific Occupations
Jacksonville, Florida
47 Answers
31064 Reads
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Clianne’s Avatar
Clianne Apr 18, 2023 366 views

How do I go about trying to figure out what I want to do?

I’ve always loved computer and every-time I decide on it change my and I slowly drift away from it everyone says I should do science because I’m good at . I like handling money but unsure what to do and how I go about figuring what I want to do.

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Apr 18, 2023 308 views

What related fields do you think I should consider looking into for construction/carpentry ?

I am curious to see if there is another course I have to take in order to achieve my career.

Santiago’s Avatar
Santiago Apr 18, 2023 354 views

How do I get stated with college finacially ?

I'm a high school student heading to college.

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Apr 19, 2023 720 views

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally??

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally?

Zhanyah’s Avatar
Zhanyah Apr 19, 2023 600 views

What are some thing i can do to get my career started or at least lined up?

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Antonio’s Avatar
Antonio Apr 24, 2023 482 views

how can i become a better person?

i can go out and explore the world

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Apr 24, 2023 1059 views

When did you get your first job ?

I am 15 years old and a freshman in high school I’m asking all people who already have job’s how did you get your first one and what did you do.

Abbie’s Avatar
Abbie Apr 24, 2023 415 views

How do I find a career path?

How do I find a job that I’ll enjoy for the long run? I have so many things I want to do with my life but I just don’t know where to start looking and it all seems so overwhelming. Where do I start?

Bryson’s Avatar
Bryson Apr 24, 2023 488 views

What do I do after high school?

What would be the best thing to do after high school? I really don't know what direction to go.

jharet’s Avatar
jharet Feb 08, 2023 838 views

How is the military and do you recommend it

i want to get in to it I'm 17 but I'm nervous

riley’s Avatar
riley Jan 30, 2023 576 views

why should i join the military?

what are benefits of joining the army and what do i do if i change my mind later on?

Avery’s Avatar
Avery Jan 30, 2023 623 views

What path can i take to be able have the most successful career in the military?

I was told many benefits of the military and it sounded interesting i'm also very dedicated and hard working so i thought it would be a good idea to try. Although im more interested in the air force than any other branch.

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Jan 11, 2023 444 views

How do i go about application for military after a degree in forestry?

What should I do to get into the military after my first degree in forestry

Jacqueline’s Avatar
Jacqueline Jan 10, 2023 372 views

What does a typical day look like working in Medical Administration?

What are some daily steps and procedures you go through while working in Medical Administration?

Kolben’s Avatar
Kolben Dec 13, 2022 1948 views

What are the biggest benefits for joining the military?

I have been wanting to join the military when I get old enough. I would like to know what the benefits of each of the branches.