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Melanie Boberg’s Avatar

Melanie Boberg

Student Teacher
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Normal, Illinois
27 Answers
26163 Reads
51 Karma

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Ja'Leena’s Avatar
Ja'Leena Sep 01, 2023 487 views

What are good tips to remember when starting college?

11th grader

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Sep 13, 2023 435 views

What is college and what is the best way to pass a class?

Honestly I know little to nothing about college. I am just attempting to get more foresight I guess you could say.

Maraya’s Avatar
Maraya Sep 02, 2023 402 views

How can I find the right college for me?

I know for a fact that I want to work with animals. I am in agriculture at my high school and I just love it. I want to go to school after high school but I have no clue where to start looking.

Sasu’s Avatar
Sasu Sep 02, 2023 753 views

How can i get as many scholarships as I can?

For students foucousd on becoming a teacher for high school students,I want to be an art teacher but if I can't than an animator or something in the art community

Yekalaivan’s Avatar
Yekalaivan Sep 02, 2023 3004 views

What are some good extracurriculars to add to my college apps/resume?

I'm a 10th grader. This is for anybody interested in college apps/college resume stuff.

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Sep 03, 2023 299 views

How do you know that what you want to do ?

What do I want to look out for?

Osvaldo’s Avatar
Osvaldo Sep 04, 2023 546 views

What are all the careers available for college/highschool?

I am still not sure what I want to do exactly so I want to see what there is for careers and jobs.

Aarush’s Avatar
Aarush Sep 05, 2023 3049 views

What is the best way to study for the SAT.?

I need help.

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Sep 06, 2023 665 views

How can I manage my time getting work done for classes and time for myself in college?

Hi, my name is Ryan and I am excited about going to college next year. I am a senior in highschool and getting ready to apply for colleges. I really like art and architecture.

Madeleine’s Avatar
Madeleine Sep 09, 2023 1282 views

How do I begin applying for scholarships?

I’m a senior in high school and have began looking at colleges but am unaware of how to start applying for scholarships.

Ivee’s Avatar
Ivee Sep 09, 2023 580 views

How will I know when I find the right career path for me?

I have so many interests; I fear starting a path and soon realize I am unsatisfied or rather unfulfilled. In an ever-changing world with time being the most valuable, I feel as if the mistake of choosing the wrong field for me is dire.

Jenny’s Avatar
Jenny Sep 10, 2023 666 views

How did you realize this was the career for you?

Was there anything that helped you decide in high school or in college?

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Mar 15, 2023 394 views

Is going to school and creating a business at the same time easy?

This is something that has been on my mind a lot

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Nov 08, 2022 509 views

When will great teachers get the pay, they deserve?

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping our future generations. Most teachers that actually care for the student's success is obviously not in it for the money, but it is about time that they get compensated for the knowledge and support they provide for their students. #FALL22 #teachersmatter...

Carolyne’s Avatar
Carolyne Nov 25, 2022 768 views

What's it like being a freshman in college and how does it differ from being a freshman in high school?

I just want to compare my freshman year from high school to what my freshman year might be like in college.