Ron Llanes
Tags on answered questions

What classes should I take for aerospace engineering?
I’m starting college in August I have no idea what classes should I take if I wanna do the two year transfer to university. And what volunteer work should I do?

What are some key tips to achieving a 4.0 GPA in engineering undergrad ?
Going into engineering this fall, and wanted to know what are some tips for doing well in the program? I have about seven classes first semester so I am a bit worried.

Why did you select the field of engineering?
Why did you select the field of engineering?

What degree would be best for the Automotive Engineering industry?
car and automotive related fields, engineering hobby.

Choosing a College for Mechanical Engineering.
I'm a 18 year old that has completed high school and has a diploma who hopes to do mechanical engineering as a career and is facing a hard choice of which college to go to for a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering.

I there any thing I should know before going to get a Bachelor's in mechanical engineering ?
Just any tips or things I should already know about Mechanical Engineering

What do engineers experience in college?
I believe one career I’m interested in is engineering and I want to learn what engineer students do and how they work in school to graduate.

How can I better balance my work life and my personal life as a double major and as a commuter #Spring24?
I am double majoring in physics and mechanical engineering, which are known to be extremely tough majors. Because of this, I'm concerned if I'll even have time to spend with my friends and participate in club activities. On top of that, I'm a commuter student which limits my time even more....

How transferable is Civil Engineering or Structural Engineering to Mechanical Engineering?
Hi, I plan on interning at a civil engineering/structural engineering firm, but I know I want to study Mechanical Engineering. There aren't any mechanical engineering firms nearby, only civil and structural. Is it worth it to conduct an internship at a civil/structural engineering firm? Will...

How can one make an engineering design to be more attracting?
How can one make an engineering design to be more attracting?

How do I know if the major I would like to choose is truly right for me ?
Although I am pretty confident that this would be my field of interest, I am still unsure about finalizing my decision for a major. I am a high school Junior and want to be a Civil Engineer. I love Physics was nominated by my school for the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute medal, and ended up...