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Michael DePietro’s Avatar

Michael DePietro

Medical Director- Respiratory at AstraZeneca
Management Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Wilmington, Delaware
36 Answers
41865 Reads
462 Karma


Civic Duty

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Tiffany’s Avatar
Tiffany May 12, 2016 951 views

If you could only choose between pursuing a career that has a high salary, or pursuing a career that you always wanted to, which one should you choose and why?

I'm still deciding my major. My parents want me to select a major that would help me acquire a high paying job, however the major I want to go into is not that high paying. #financial-planning #personal-development

Dariyelle’s Avatar
Dariyelle May 12, 2016 1193 views

What is the difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy?

I am interested in a career with working with people who have disabilities. I want to help people become more independent. I am curious which field I should look into. #doctor #health #physical-therapist #doctorate-degree #physical-therapy #occupational-therapy

Chimezirim’s Avatar
Chimezirim May 13, 2016 760 views

How rigorous is the path to become a surgeon

When I grow up I want to become a surgeon and I don't want to lose interest in the beginning of that path because it's too hard. I'm willing to persevere and I'm sure I will but still; I'd rather know now so that I can prepare for it. #doctorate-degree

Chimezirim’s Avatar
Chimezirim May 13, 2016 745 views

Can you become a surgeon in multiple areas? If so, would you have to take another 2 years for each area?

I intend on becoming a surgeon. More specifically a cardiovascular surgeon. Someone who focuses on injuries to the heart or heart defects. While I do have a strong passion for this I also think that it'd be fun to also do nueral surgery as well and I just need some information about the chances...

Peter’s Avatar
Peter May 12, 2016 2444 views

What is the job outlook like for astronomers? Astrophysicists?

The University I plan on attending this fall has an Astronomy and Astrophysics program. I've always been interested in space, and like math, so was considering majoring in it. The only thing putting me off from deciding on this major is that I'm concerned about job prospects. I know a lot of...

Calista’s Avatar
Calista May 10, 2016 2877 views

Is a minor in women and gender studies a good pairing with a political science/communications major/minor combo?

Women and gender studies as a minor is something I'm interested in, but I'm told it's a useless background to have. Do you think it's still "useless" if I want it to supplement a career in advocacy?? I am semi-lost with this #communications #political-science #gender-studies #advocacy #women-studies

Sowmiya’s Avatar
Sowmiya May 09, 2016 937 views

what is the salary of the doctor

hi iam sowmiya .iam studying in 10std .i want to know the answer #doctor #career #science #professor #scientist #financial-planning

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 08, 2016 1002 views

How to become a neurosurgeon in twelve or less years?

Hi! My name is Andrea and I am a sophomore in high school. I have been really looking at becoming a neurosurgeon as a life career, but wasn't quite sure if I wanted to be in school until I was thirty-two. I personally know a father of a twenty-six year old orthopedic surgeon who is done with...

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea May 08, 2016 1063 views

Does it matter where you get your undergraduates degree when going into medical school?

I am a sophomore in high school and am looking to become a neurosurgeon. If wanting to get into a good medical school, do I have to go to a well-known university first? #college #medicine #university #graduate #medicine-school #surgery #surgeon #undergraduate

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 08, 2016 799 views

Why are bioengineering majors better than biology majors at the MCAT?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. When I ask this question, I'm referring to the chart linked. In it, a lot of majors are actually better at the MCAT than biology majors. How does that make sense, when biology majors have studied the subject in...

Mark’s Avatar
Mark May 05, 2016 651 views

what all degrees do you need to be a medical examiner

I wanna be a medical examiner and I wanna know what all degrees you need to be that #medicine

Quintanilla’s Avatar
Quintanilla May 05, 2016 686 views

How much social interaction do you have when going into the medical field?

I am wanting to know whether I will have time to just relax and not think about school school school. #doctorate-degree

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 04, 2016 711 views

What is the best college to study surgery?

I want to be a surgeon. #medicine #surgery #surgeon

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel May 04, 2016 1025 views

How many years of school would it take to be a heart surgeon?

I want to be a heart surgeon, so I'd like to know. #medicine #surgery #surgeon #general-surgery #cardiology #internal-medicine #cardiovascular

Pamela’s Avatar
Pamela May 04, 2016 1231 views

What are the math requirements needed to be taken for a major in Biology?

I want to know the possible maths I might have to take in college if I have Biology as a major so I can prepare for them #doctor #college-major #biology #mathematics #molecular-biology #cell-biology