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Valerie Gulston’s Avatar

Valerie Gulston

Work part-time for Board of Elections; counsel college students about careers via networking
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
New York, New York
34 Answers
29277 Reads
31 Karma



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jasmine’s Avatar
jasmine Jul 18, 2024 796 views

What places do you recommend going for internships for medical assistant?

I am a student in job corps considering this career

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Mar 04, 2014 1605 views

What are some internships a high school student can do who are aspiring to be a physician?

I am interested in learning more about this occupation and want to know what internships or things I could do now to get a feel for this job. #medicine #internships #student #physician #high-school

mia’s Avatar
mia May 15, 2022 772 views

What should I know about being an Architect ??

I don't know how to draw, and i'm scared of doing this career

Jeffrey’s Avatar
Jeffrey May 10, 2022 1137 views

What career should I pursue

If my strengths are being patience and paying close attention to detail, type of careers or industries might best fit me? What other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers?

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Apr 12, 2022 1890 views

Exercise Physiologist Internship

How can I get relevant experience to be an exercise physiologist? I am in my last year of school and I am having difficulties finding internship opportunities.

Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Mar 02, 2022 916 views

Where is the highest hire area in the US to get hired for Graphic Design?

#graphic-design #art #career #web-design #design

david’s Avatar
david Aug 05, 2021 756 views

What is the average working conditions for carpentry?

i am a job corp student looking for the right career for me #carpentry #job #carpenter #career #career-path #trade #trade-school #craft

Edgar’s Avatar
Edgar Aug 17, 2021 642 views

pipe welding

What are some good opportunity and certification for pipe welding #pipe-welding #welding #welder #career #job

Yvonne’s Avatar
Yvonne Dec 01, 2021 621 views

How did you know you wanted to be a CNA?

I am a student learning a trade in CNA and I would love to research more about this career field to get a better understanding if this career is a good fit for me. #cna #nursing #career #healthcare

Aaliyah’s Avatar
Aaliyah Dec 12, 2019 812 views

How much do crime scene investigators get paid?

#Law-Enforcement #CSI #Criminal-Justice

nicola’s Avatar
nicola Nov 17, 2021 728 views

can I do a internship as a CSI if I'm still in school?


Kandice’s Avatar
Kandice Oct 29, 2018 1102 views

How do you choose between two careers that you're considering?

I have two careers that I'm determining to pursue but I am having trouble choosing between the two. How can I narrow it down to just one? #college #career #career-choice #college-major

ashanti’s Avatar
ashanti Nov 08, 2021 644 views

What are the pros and cons of an LPN?

whats something that you like or don't like about an LPN #college-major #professional #college #career #licensed-practitioner-nurse #general-and-family-practitioner #career-choice

Simon’s Avatar
Simon Oct 05, 2021 544 views

How do you become a chiropractor? What college is best for getting the license of a chiropractor?

I'm currently a senior, and I'll soon be picking my colleges. I'm wondering what college is best for becoming a chiropractor and I would love to learn more about this career. #college #career

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Sep 14, 2021 700 views

How necessary are school extracurricular activities in the journey of pursuing a career?

#career #extracurricular