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Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
22 Questions
1271 Karma

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Alec Jun 27, 2016 1892 views

How would I engage someone to start networking?

I want to build relationships within my future career field so that I can aid my career progression and skill set. I know that it is important for specific situations or programs to have that one person within your close network but how would you go about engaging them in conversation. LinkedIn...

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Alec Jun 27, 2016 1378 views

Do I need a specific suit for dental school interviews?

I am applying to dental school right now and I have a professional suit but its not a solid black color. It is black with faint gray pin stripes going through it. Is this suitable (no pun intended) for professional school interviews? #college #medicine #professional #dental

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Alec Jun 22, 2016 2299 views

What to do for money in the meantime while looking for a job?

I am a recent college graduate and I have not been able to secure a job yet. I plan on attending dental school next fall so I am submitting my AADSAS this year. I am unemployed and have applied to at least 3 or 4 jobs a day for the past 15 days. I was curious if there was anything I could do...

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Alec Jun 22, 2016 4055 views

Is it possible to double-major and still graduate within four years?

I have a major for my undergrad but there is also another major that is closely related that I find very interesting as well. Would it hurt me if I were to pursue both majors? I think it would help me prepare even better for my future career but I do not want to have to stay in college longer...

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Alec Jun 22, 2016 1294 views

Is it better to pursue a residency after dental school or become a practicing associate dentist within an exisiting pracitce?

I was just curious about how dental graduates are pursuing their overall goal of becoming practicing dentists. I know that there are options to specialize after dental school but if you don't, should you look into a general practice residency. How many dentists end up being admitted to a...

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Alec Jun 04, 2016 783 views

What are some good ways to track your spending in college?

I am going to be attending a university and I will be living on my own. I don't have much money right now, so I was wondering what are some ways to track your spending and make sure that I will budget correctly. Should I just write down what I spend or are there other options such as phone apps...

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Alec Jun 04, 2016 1119 views

Would I be able to be a college athlete as well as pursue a nursing degree?

I know being a college athlete requires a big time commitment but how much time does it compare to a nursing degree. I really want to be working in the medical field and I feel that nursing would be a great and secure career. Would I be able to balance out the rigorous classes for a nursing...

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Alec Jun 04, 2016 1309 views

How to get started in the investing realm?

I am currently in college and am pursuing my degree in finance. I want to get more into the investment side of finance so I was curious about how I would be able to make that step. Should I look into internships that could give me this opportunity or should I do research on my own? #finance...

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Alec Jun 04, 2016 2910 views

What does job security look like in the technology field?

I am looking into computer science and technology systems but I was curious how secure these fields are. I do not want to have a job where there is a constant risk that I may be laid off. I want to make sure that I have a secure position within the field.

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Alec Jun 04, 2016 2306 views

How competitive is it when applying for internships at companies such as Google and Apple?

I am looking into a computer science major for college and I want to be able to work for a big time company. I don't really have much information about how you apply for these internships and how selective they are. What criteria do these companies look for when picking their interns? #college...

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Alec Jun 04, 2016 1727 views

Is it necessary to become efficicent using Microsoft Office to make your college career easier?

I know that there are different majors in college and I was curious about how often Office will be used throughout college. I used word sometimes during high school but it was different because we were in a classroom. Should I familiarize myself with all the programs such as, Word, Power...

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Alec May 29, 2016 1198 views


I was curious about how the community would react to this question. In college, I had a roommate that told me a story about how his uncle was in a philosophy class and there was one question on his final exam. The question was the title of the post, why?. How would you react to a question like...

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Alec May 29, 2016 933 views

When starting my freshman year, should I take intro courses in various subjects?

I don't know what I want to major in currently and I was wondering what I should do to help. I thought about taking an intro course in different majors that seem interesting to me. I want to make sure that I major in something that I will enjoy doing for the rest of my life. #college #science...

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Alec May 29, 2016 977 views

Are there webistes out there that can help me when I'm taking my chemistry courses?

I was just curious about if there are different websites that can help me when I'm taking my chemistry courses throughout college. I know that college courses offer students office hours and review sessions so I was just wondering if there was certain sites for individual study. #college...

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Alec May 29, 2016 892 views

What is a good major to choose when thinking about applying to professional schools, such as medical and dental?

I want to apply to either medical school or dental school and I was curious about which major I should choose. I know biology and chemistry are the two main fields but is there a benefit from choosing a specific one? #college #medicine #professional #degree #dentistry