Anne Lee
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How do you decide what college you want to go to?
Even though I'm in high school, I still have some time struggling on what colleges I want to go to, so I just wanted to know how does someone go about their decision.

what ? can i do to become best in computer science
In addition anyone who can guide me on the best career after school

How did you know that the major you picked is something you will enjoy for the rest of your life?
I'm going to be a senior in the fall and I think I want to go to school for occupational therapy assistant, then go on to get my masters.

Is it possible someone more introverted to get a career in the business field?
#business #career #marketing #internship

Should I retake my SAT if I got a 1380 on it?
I will most likely go to a college in Florida (University of central Florida or University of Florida). I also want to major in a science.

What to do when conflicted over possible majors?
I am an incoming senior in HS. I plan on going down the art path, but do not know whether to do Graphic Design in Marketing, or to go down the Museum Studies path. I am an art student at my school, and plan on joining a student board for an art museum as an internship, but I have always been...

What are some good colleges besides ivy-leagues that are good for a biology major?
Trying to look into some!

How do I identify a fulfilling career?
With the numerous career options how can on find a fulfilling one.