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Pam Atilano’s Avatar

Pam Atilano

Independent Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Illinois, Illinois
44 Answers
65812 Reads
171 Karma


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Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Apr 23, 2023 951 views

How is art and interior design connected? What are the other careers that connect with art and how?

I'm trying to figure out what careers are connected with art and how they are. I have an assignment for class and I enjoy art and decorating, but I would also like to learn what other careers have to do with art.

na'kiyah’s Avatar
na'kiyah Apr 14, 2023 1737 views

What colors make you feel better ?

Light, dark, neutral ?

na'kiyah’s Avatar
na'kiyah Apr 14, 2023 429 views

Does patterns annoy you?

Do certain patterns give you a headache ?

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Apr 18, 2023 926 views

How can I become a home decorator?

I'm a senior in high school, and soon to graduate. Some of my interest have been involved in helping people make their dream homes a realty. I have some experience in it and would like to see how I can grow in that area.

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Jan 09, 2023 571 views

Do I have to take both Art&Design and DT for GCSEs to be an interior designer?

I am picking my gcses this month and I still don’t know what I want to be for sure but I know that I definitely want to be in the art field (either being an interior designer, architect, graphic designer or an actress). I have already decided that I’m doing history, Spanish, drama and now I...

Hildaleez’s Avatar
Hildaleez May 23, 2022 492 views

How can I appeal to interior design firms/internships?

I just finished my first year in college as an Interior Design student. Prior to college, I had little to none background and experience in architect or design. My resume mainly shows skills and experience of extracurriculars and office work. How can I appeal to an interior design internship...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Jun 03, 2022 794 views

What do people look for in a graphic designer?

I want to know what kinds of skills/qualifications employers look for when hiring a graphic designer.

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Nov 08, 2021 559 views

Is going to community college and transferring to a university a good option?

I want to become a graphic designer but I also do not want to spend too much money on college and education. #graphic-design #college #design

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Oct 05, 2021 468 views

What are some steps I can take to become a graphic designer?

#design #art #computer

Piarra’s Avatar
Piarra Mar 18, 2021 411 views

What are the best parts of being an interior designer?

I am an 8th grader and I am doing research on different jobs that I am interested in. #interior-design

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy Aug 31, 2020 664 views

What classes in high school are helpful in the field of interior designer?

#interior-design #business #high-school-students

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Apr 14, 2020 1353 views

Who are the biggest Interior Designers?

What companies and pros really stand out in the design world and what could I learn from them? #interior-design #interior #designer #professional #any

Ige Kinyomi’s Avatar
Ige May 19, 2016 1183 views

If you want to major in fashion design, should you take different types of fashion classes? ex. knitwear, marketing, makeup, etc.

Someday I would like to own my own fashion company/ industry or at least work with someone like Vera Wang. I would like to know what classes would fit me. #professor #fashion #fashion-design #clothing #fashion-shows #the-arts

Ashiq Ilahi’s Avatar
Ashiq Ilahi Apr 04, 2020 883 views

I would like to know if there are any summer/online internships for high schoolers related to Architecture and Design in LA?

I am interested in pursuing a career related to Architecture. In order to develop experience, I would like to know if there any openings for either summer or online internships related to this subject. Thank You.
#career #architecture #internship #design

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Mar 21, 2019 764 views

what schools have classes for interior design?
