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Veronica C.’s Avatar

Veronica C.

College Advisor/Mentor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Los Angeles, California
14 Answers
16770 Reads
82 Karma

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Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah Jul 26, 2020 906 views

What extra-curricular activities can I do (during the pandemic) to standout on my college application?

I'm a junior in high school who is starting her college journey. I'm interested in studying English, Philosophy, Business, and Computer Science. I've been trying to study how to trade stocks. #high-school #day-trading #collegejourney #finance #college-applications #extra-curriculars

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy May 13, 2020 1054 views

I'm interested in learning more about your volunteer opportunities for college students. I'd love to get more info. Thanks!

#internship #college #volunteer

Vuong’s Avatar
Vuong May 06, 2020 902 views

What are some methods to make you stand out from other students when applying to colleges?

I have good grades and do extra curriculars but many other students do as well. #college-admissions

Liam’s Avatar
Liam Apr 21, 2020 1113 views

How should I get ahead?

I'm just starting High School, and I'm in the most advanced classes I can be, yet I feel like I can progress even farther, faster; I would like to know if there is any way to get credit or get ahead for high school or even college, I know that' sort of vague- but I'm at a pretty vague place in...

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 20, 2020 2256 views

What company is doing remotely work?

I'm a college student and I work in school, even though they don't pay me that good. It enough to buy some snacks and it helps me pay some part of my tuition. Since my University shutdown and we're doing online classes, I can't afford to pay the rest of my fall semester class. I'm looking for...

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Apr 18, 2020 5271 views

Is there anything you regret not doing in high school/college?

Why didn't you do it and is it something you would recommend others do? #college-advice #college #highschool #highschool-advice #JULY20

Cian’s Avatar
Cian Aug 27, 2018 797 views

Should I retake my ACT if my score was a 31?

Don't want to do worse, always want to do better. I do not want to get stuck in a loop getting worse scores and never getting a 31 again. #pleasehelp

Amulya’s Avatar
Amulya Apr 15, 2020 1517 views

What led you to go down your career path? How did you know what subjects you wanted to major in?

#undecided #career #college-major #major #college-major #professional #pleasehelp

Eli’s Avatar
Eli Apr 12, 2020 1265 views

Is doing extracurricular activities like math club or science bowl valuable for college application?s

I'm in a lot of extracurriculars right now, but they take up a lot of my time. I wonder if they're worth it.

Miguel’s Avatar
Miguel Apr 07, 2020 1206 views

I don’t know what I want to work as after college what are good careers for students with a criminal justice degree.

I like reading, writing, and solving puzzles. I like law related topics such as court cases. I enjoy helping people. #criminal-justice