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Ogunyamoju40 views

How can I earn more money ?

I want to grow financially and I need to earn more money to pay for the bills I have what job can I do online

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Alicja41 views

What will help me stand out on direct-nursing admissions?

Hi, I’m currently a junior who is planning on applying to direct-nursing schools. I was wondering what would look best on my applications and help me stand out. I’m taking classes leaning towards the medical field like: medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, ap biology, and CNA. I’ve also applied for volunteering over the summer in hospitals. #Spring24

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Avery30 views

How do I plan my future to set me up for success while also allowing room for spontaneity??

If I have multiple dreams for my career path, and want to pursue all of them in my lifetime, what order should I pursue those dreams? I want to study food science and use that to teach people, conduct research, and develop products. What is the best way to plan my career path while also allowing room for spontaneity?

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WILBER51 views



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Paul67 views

How to further my studies after studying B.sc Edu in Physics?

Any tips on how to go about it

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Bryana56 views

How do you find the balance between choosing a financially rewarding but also emotionally fulfilling career?

I'm a Mexican first-generation high school senior who needs guidance on this topic specifically.

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Ebu76 views

How do I start my own bank?

I want to establish my own bank, how do I go about it

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Yansiel74 views

How do other people get so good at photography?

How do other people get so good at photography? I want to learn how take beautiful photos and I want to be a photographer but I have no idea where to start and how I can improve

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Samwel125 views

why are ssd so fast and yet thry are small?

any reply will help

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Emmanuel183 views

How can I apply for internships ?

How do I go about applying for internships or entry level roles in a place or company I am very much interested to work in? Thanks for your response in advance.

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tyler145 views

what is the biggest achievement one can get?

am good with data, where can i work

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Tristan130 views

I'd like to work with animals. What careers are available for me ?

What careers focus in animals?

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Md169 views

What's the requirement to get admission here?

Msbdnnf xkd dxj

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Favour93 views

What is computer engineering ?

100 level, my favorite class is assembly language

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Jeremiah104 views

What does a veterinary doctor do?

Veterinary doctor and what they do and what kind animals they treat, how they restraint the animals and what's there pay like, and can they be found in parks

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