Career questions tagged innovation

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Brent440 views

How do I break into a new industry?

I've been working for 20 years since I graduated from college -- 17 years at a nonprofit research institute and then the last 3 years at a large U.S. bank. My focus has been on identifying, selling/pitching, evaluating and experimenting with innovative ideas in a brought range of areas -- new research approaches, novel data science (eg, AI/ML) use cases, ways to use emerging tech to make core lines of business faster/cheaper/better, and new products & services. I left both of the last organizations when my leadership changed and there was no longer an interest in investing in more exploratory innovation (horizon 2 or 3). I see lots of companies that are investing in this type of innovation, but not many in the industries in which I have experience. How can I get the attention of recruiters and higher managers and convince them that my skillset is very transferable?

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Diepreye966 views

Are there companies that help market and creat prototype for your invention free of cost to you

I have a marine tech idea that is very lucrative and can help further research into marine life and related field and need help in seeing this invention made into reality I've done a patent search into it and it's in the clear I've tried searching for companies or people to make the prototype a lot of these companies aren't available to my region or are quite pricey I heard of a company that helps you make the prototype and helps you market the product to investors free of charge they charge you after final agreement with the investor but didn't see enough evidence backing thier claim my question is are there companies that do this if yes can I get some suggestions and your input no matter how relevant it is to my actual question I would love all input #marketing #entrepreneur #business #science #technology #marine-biology #finance #design #investment-management #invention #idea #innovation

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lakeya1018 views

What advice would you give a student that is majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Studio Arts with the goal of being an Industrial Designer?

I have a passion for innovation. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Studio Arts. I am combining the two because it is my goal to be an Industrial Designer. Mechanical Engineering is teaching me how and why things work the way they do. Studio Arts is my creative outlet and it also allows me advance my artistic skills. I would like advice. #industrial #industrialdesign #industrialdesigner #innovation #invention #patent #patents #problemsolving #creative #art #products #product #customer #mechanical-engineer #engineer #design

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lakeya2409 views

Is it better to sell your invention idea(s) to a company or raise money to patent it yourself?

I have a lot of invention ideas and I am not sure how to get help. There are a lot of website that say they help people who have invention ideas but I am afraid they will steal my ideas and I will not have any legal ownership of them. #help #innovation #Mechanical #MechanicalEngineering #engineering #patent #legal #IndustrialDesign #design #inventor #problem #solving #ownership #money #company #future #product #products #ideas #architect #art #creative #science #technology #tech #customer

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Aubreigh780 views

Do people use 3D printers in their careers?

Like to build parts or anything with them? #engineering #innovation

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Darlene755 views

How did you study for math exams and courses in your undergraduate career?

#medicine #STEM #science #innovation

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Tyrel1068 views

What's the most successful way to become popular in the music industry?

Keeping in touch with celebrities in the entertainment industry is one of my favorite pass times. My reason for answering this question is because it seems as though many new artists have their two years or so of fame but it suddenly starts to die out and they lose thousands of fans. I would like to know what the best way is to keep a good reputation in terms of music and entertainment quality. #music #leadership #business-development #strategy #innovation

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