Career questions tagged mechanicalengineering

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Alexis833 views

How can I better prepare myself for the questions that are likely to be asked in my first interview and start building a repertoire of eligibility requirements for the engineering field, especially catering towards robotics/mechanical engineering?

I am a part of an FRC team (we recently went to the World Championship :) I am a junior in high school I am a part of a VEX team where we made it to states. I would love to pursue a career in engineering, especially relating to mechanical or robotics design.

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Fernando248 views

What are some important things I should know coming into Automotive?

For example what kinds of liquids or tools do I need to use on the job?

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Jabria675 views

I am currently a mechanical engineering major with a minor in biology. I am interested in possibley pursuing a MD. Does it make sense to pursue a post bac in biology or get a masters in biology to aid in preparation for the MCAT?


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Melvin1464 views

Is Quality Engineering a good stepping stone to understand/get into Design Engineering?

Hi there, I currently a mechanical engineering graduate student interested in the Medical Device industry. I saw a company that is a Quality Solutions Service Provider in the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device industry, and I was curious if the experience gained as a Quality Engineer whether in the Medical Device industry or in general is helpful for getting into Design Engineering. Thanks! #QualityEngineering #MechanicalEngineering #MechanicalDesign #DesignEngineering #GradSchool #MedicalDevice #Pharmaceuticals #GivingisCaring

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Melvin875 views

How to Structure and Write a great Statement of Purpose for Graduate School?

Hi, I am a mechanical engineering senior interested in applying for grad school for next fall. I understand that schools want a statement of purpose/essay detailing why I want to apply for the program, my interests, my experience, etc. I'm interested in design and manufacturing engineering and I have research experience from my current school, but I'm just not sure how to put it all together. #graduate-school #engineering #college #mechanicalengineering #manufacturingengineering #additivemanufacturing #design #designengineering #programming #engineer #graduatelevel #highereducation #electricalengineering #computerengineering #civil-engineering

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Melvin1268 views

Are there any engineering/programming jobs that use Arduino?

As a rising mechanical engineering graduate with an interest in programming, I want to know if there's any jobs out there that seriously focus on Arduino, or any kind of mechanical engineering jobs that use any programming languages at all. Thanks! #engineer #engineering #programming #career #electricalengineering #mechanicalengineering #computerengineering #mechanicalengineer #Arduino #c #c++ #python #mechatronics #controlsystems #computer-science #computer #technology

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Daniel672 views

Thoughts on Mechanical Engineering

Hello. I plan on majoring in mechanical engineering and although it is a very strong and difficult major id like to ask for some feedback on anyone who has already been through that situation. Is it hard as people say and should I still work hard to become one or is it not worth the time and effort? #sophmorecollege #mechanicalengineering

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Melvin1152 views

New Methods and innovation in Manufacturing?

Hey guys, As a mechanical engineering student, I'm interested in the manufacturing industry and want to know about any new innovations or methods in manufacturing? I know 3D printing is on the rise but I'm not sure of what other things to look out for. Thanks! #manufacturing #manufacturingengineering #mechanicalengineering #engineering #engineeringstudent #3Dprinting #industrialengineering #CNC #robotics

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Melvin746 views

Good Manufacturing Engineering Schools

Hey guys, I just wanted to know what graduate schools out there are good for manufacturing engineering? I'm a mechanical engineering student and right now I'm looking at Rutgers, NJIT, and Rowan University but I'm not sure what's good for manufacturing. Thanks! #manufacturing #manufacturingengineering #mechanicalengineering #engineer #engineering #3Dprinting #additivemanufacturing #industrialengineer #industrialengineering #CNC #engineeringstudent

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lakeya2409 views

Is it better to sell your invention idea(s) to a company or raise money to patent it yourself?

I have a lot of invention ideas and I am not sure how to get help. There are a lot of website that say they help people who have invention ideas but I am afraid they will steal my ideas and I will not have any legal ownership of them. #help #innovation #Mechanical #MechanicalEngineering #engineering #patent #legal #IndustrialDesign #design #inventor #problem #solving #ownership #money #company #future #product #products #ideas #architect #art #creative #science #technology #tech #customer

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