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Daniela Berlanga’s Avatar

Daniela Berlanga

Sales Support
Healthcare Support Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
10 Answers
57371 Reads
31 Karma

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Alaya’s Avatar
Alaya Jun 12 517 views

Why don’t I know what I wanna pursue or do yet (career wise) ? #Spring23

I’m currently a freshman going on into my sophmore year in the fall and I for right now, I wanna be a lawyer but I don’t know if that’s really for me or not. I love to debate but at first when I was 10, I wanted to be an actress but I outgrew that, then a therpaist until I found out they don’t...

Torance’s Avatar
Torance Jun 11 572 views

Why do we have to do to get in college,What's the asignment ,What do we do to get to the military, and How do our career

Why do we have to do to get in college,What's the asignment ,What do we do to get to the military, and How do our career

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Aug 02, 2023 361 views

How can I work during the school year?

What can I do to continue working during the school year without a car?

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Aug 02, 2023 51543 views

What is the hardest interview question you've been asked and how did you answer it?

Also, did you get the job?

Willa’s Avatar
Willa Aug 03, 2023 478 views

Are private universities worth the extra money?

Specially talking about Christian private colleges

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Aug 03, 2023 828 views

If you could go back to when you were choosing/applying to colleges, what would you do differently?

There's so much out there about applying to college and I've been trying to get as much help as I can from that, but what are some of the most important things to think about/do?

Akhila’s Avatar
Akhila Jul 24, 2023 1311 views

How did you get your job??

how did you get ur job and also how did u know where to? do you just find places online and then apply and go in for interviews? or is it like referred by someone?

Dajae’s Avatar
Dajae Aug 01, 2023 290 views

Should I do Business school first or cosmetology school first? ?

My name is Dajae I'm 16 years old and a junior in high school. School is going by pretty fast and I was curious about the career I wanna go into in the future. My ultimate goal is open a salon for makeup but I wanted to know what to do first.

kayla’s Avatar
kayla Jul 10, 2023 417 views

What are the qualifications for being a realtor?

Do you need college? If so how many years and what major? If not what kind of education do you need?

jonathan’s Avatar
jonathan Aug 01, 2023 656 views

What's the best way to start in real estate and how much will a real estate business owner make themselves? and can you live of renting property to others

I'm currently looking in buying houses and or properties to rent on air b and b. how much will I need to start my own real estate business