Sharyn Grose

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Do I still qualify for the 1098-t form?
I had talked to my counselor before the summer and she suggested that I enrolled in my nearest community college as a freshman in high school to take free college courses over the summer. I filled out the special form and eveeything, but I wasn't able to enroll in any classes so I just forgot...

How to use AI to pick the right college?
We've noticed an increase in learner interest in choosing colleges and are posting a related question!

How to use AI to practice for an interview?
We've noticed an increase in learner interest in interviewing and are posting a related question!

How to use AI to choose my college major?
We've noticed an increase in learner interest in choosing college majors and are posting a related question!

How to use AI to write a cover letter?
We've noticed an increase in learner interest in cover letters and are posting a related question!

How to use AI to build a resume?
We've noticed an increase in learner interest in resumes, so we're posting questions that address that!

what does a professional resume contains and show me how to write one?
what does a professional resume contains and show me how to write one?

How do I start an acting career at 13?
Hi! I'm an 8th grader soon to be 14 and soon to be a freshman. I'm in my schools drama class and have done a few plays. I really want to be an actress but don't know where to start. My mom is okay with me getting headshots done but wants me to take theater classes first. I've been interested...

Is it true that nearly 65% of all film directors only make 1 film in their whole life??
I recently read this statistic and it has shocked me. Am I doomed to only put one art piece into this world? The expectation for becoming a director is fame but still. I mean I want to make many movies and the idea of only being able to make one sounds completely hope-crushing. On the other end...

Is it possible to get into college from elementary school?
elementary school level.

How can I get an acting job as a 14 year old?
How can I get an acting job as a 14 year old

How do I find a local singer for my band?
I've put together a band recently that is going to be very 80s rock music, the only issue is that we can't find a singer, we have everything else we need. We just can't seem to find that guy or girl if you get what I'm trying to say. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone had any advice as to...

How do i get into campenies?
Is there a way i can succeed in a interview when applying for any business. Also what type of college are best for this type of jobs.

Why should I be living up to my parents dreams?
Why should I be living up to my parents dreams?