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Trench’s Avatar
Trench Jul 03 238 views

Why should I pursue college studies instead of starting a business ?

I want to rare chicken

Zoë’s Avatar
Zoë Jun 08 588 views

Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align?

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align, I value finance, socialization, and being mindful. My strongest skills are related to working with people, these include planning, socializing and selling.

Brock’s Avatar
Brock May 29 436 views

How should I spend/save my money as an 18-year-old in the US military?

I'm almost a year in the service and I still don't have a credit card or a vehicle.

Maxon’s Avatar
Maxon Dec 07, 2023 438 views

How do i get a full ride to college from the military?

and how much money will it take to get a full ride

Quennaldria’s Avatar
Quennaldria Nov 28, 2023 473 views

I am graduating with a MS in Digital Financial Technology in two weeks, I have been in finance for over 10 years and don't want to start over. How can I find a new position that doesn't put me back at entry level?

I need help getting into my field without starting back at entry level.

Faisol’s Avatar
Faisol Nov 26, 2023 902 views

What aspect of cybersecurity pays the most money?

#cybersecurity #computer science #cyber

Hudson’s Avatar
Hudson Nov 09, 2023 770 views

How much money does going to college for theatre cost?

I am just trying to see if it would be worth my time and money

Merceah’s Avatar
Merceah Sep 19, 2023 273 views

How can I make a lot of money, not have a lot of schooling, have fun at the same time, and enjoy my job all in one while being able to retire eventually. How can I make a lot of money while enjoying my job?

I want to be able to make a lot of money and still enjoy my job. I want to be able to retire and have extra money to take my family in trips and other things etc.

xavier’s Avatar
xavier Oct 04, 2023 705 views

How long do you normally go to college for a law enforcement officer?

How long do you normally go to college for a law enforcement officer?

John’s Avatar
John Oct 06, 2023 345 views

What do you know about electricians?

I have an uncle that is an electrician, and I've recently gained interest in it and I'd like to learn more about the education and the pay of the career.

sas’s Avatar
sas Oct 08, 2023 249 views

What is the best way to make money, save it, spend it, and build more off it while being in school full time and under sixteen, and what careers would be best for doing so?

What is the best way to make money, save it, spend it, and build more off it while being in school full time and under sixteen, and what careers would be best for doing so?

JUICE’s Avatar
JUICE Sep 30, 2023 673 views

Can I get a good job without going to college?

I never really enjoyed high school and I think it would be a waste of money to go to college. But I want to make a good salary.

ally’s Avatar
ally Sep 08, 2023 1121 views

how do people get rich on a daily basis and how do they get to be big ballin?

i literallyyyy am so confused because i see all these people ballin in miami and i’m tryna get like that. so how do people do it? like i’m so confused😭

Whanezby’s Avatar
Whanezby Sep 09, 2023 453 views

How can I start investing?

How can I start investing?

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Aug 15, 2023 474 views

How do I Budget my money so it spreads further?

For if there's a specific item I wish to own, or if my mother is short a few bucks on rent for bills, how can I budget my money to help her and buy items I'd like too?