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Michael DePietro’s Avatar

Michael DePietro

Medical Director- Respiratory at AstraZeneca
Management Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Wilmington, Delaware
36 Answers
45608 Reads
462 Karma


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Tristan’s Avatar
Tristan May 27, 2016 764 views

What best can I do during and after college that will help me to prepare for medical school and then a career in medicine?

I would like to efficiently remember the material learned in medical school to help me during my medical career. #doctor

Elise’s Avatar
Elise May 28, 2016 860 views

What field of math can I major in to make an positive or helpful impact on the world?

I am a high school junior who is very interested in the field of Mathematics. I am taking Calculus next year, and I already love it! I want to do something with my life that is meaningful and leaves a good mark on the planet and the people around me. I just do not know where to go with this...

Corban’s Avatar
Corban May 27, 2016 1211 views

Should I pick a major (Biology) relating to medical school to prepare for Med School, or should I just enter Med School with any degree I want?

I've been to seminars where people have told me to be what I wanted to be, because schools actually like diversity instead of "typical science majors". The only question that they've never answered was if it had given them an easier time understanding difficult concepts in the medical field. I...

SENNAM’s Avatar
SENNAM May 28, 2016 1038 views

When is it suitable to plan, implement and conduct research when entering medical school?

I am asking this question because most students planning on attending medical school find it difficult as to what is the right time to engage in a suitable research project without any form of hindrances. #medicine #pre-med

Archived’s Avatar
Archived May 28, 2016 1271 views

If I don't particularly like chemistry or math, and also weak in the field of chemistry and math, but is doing a biology major, should I choose a different major ?

I am really debating because I am not really good in chemistry, like in really bad, but is currently pursing a biological science major, should I continue it or choose another major? #college #science #math #chemistry #major #majors #advice

Raihanah’s Avatar
Raihanah May 23, 2016 915 views

Is there any religious discrimination in the medical field?

I'm a covering Muslim female in high school and I'm greatly considering a career in the medical field. However, I want to get an idea of what I may need to face in the professional world considering what I face in my day-to-day life. Thanks in advance :) #doctor #nurse #professional #health...

Revika’s Avatar
Revika May 23, 2016 1594 views

What non-academic skills are needed for those interested in becoming medical doctors?

We all know that people who go into medicine are the best of the best when it comes to academics, but I am interested in what other skills define a medical doctor and how these traits come into play in the day-to-day life of a doctor. #doctor #medicine #science #healthcare #health...

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 21, 2016 1147 views

Are careers in the medical feild time consuming? Is there enough time to develop a persoal life, or is it all work?

As someone interested in the medical feild, I was wondering what kind of a lifestyle someone with this type of a career would have. #career #medicine #careers #lifestyle

Josefina’s Avatar
Josefina May 21, 2016 993 views

As a female headed into a Computer Science degree, would it be wise to try to be more assertive so my voice will be heard. My concern is I'm shy but I can grasp the computer tech field good. I want to be successful and respected for my knowledge.

In the Fall of 2016 I will be starting college, I will be an undergraduate in pursuit of a major in Computer Science (Bachelor of Science). I want any tips in how I can be a successful women in tech field. #science #computer #programming #networking #bachelor #succession-planning

Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah May 21, 2016 1643 views

How hard is it to double major/minor?

Would it be too much to double major or double minor? #college #majors #double-major

Shama’s Avatar
Shama May 20, 2016 976 views

Any advice for pre-premedical students?

Hi, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I was wondering if any premed/ medical students/ physicians have any advice for a student in high school, that wants to become a doctor, that may help in my medical future. #medicine #career-path #doctorate-degree #motivation

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle May 20, 2016 1515 views

Does having a tattoo really make it difficult for someone to practice medicine?Or is that just a bias opinion due to the bad reputation of tattoos in general?

I personally love tattoos. I do not have one, however thinking of getting a meaningful one soon. YET I always hear from teachers and adults how having "ink" ruin or hinder my chance of having a good career. Even with these warnings I have seen many nurses and doctors with a tattoo. #doctor...

Shama’s Avatar
Shama May 20, 2016 1273 views

How do you stay motivated?

Hi, I'm a sophomore in high school. And I know that it is EXTERMELY early for me already to lack motivation, but I'm taking all these hard AP/IB classes that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with what I want to be when I'm older. So I was just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to stay...

Carlie’s Avatar
Carlie May 20, 2016 1272 views

How do you find inspiration for your next project?

I want to go into biomedical engineering, and I am more on the biology/medicine side of it. I want to do research and invent products that can help others. How does one first think of an incredible idea??? #engineer #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #inventor

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley May 20, 2016 1020 views

What kind of engineering is the best for someone going in to medicine?

I want to get my undergrad in Engineering but am still greatly interested in medicine. #engineering #medicine