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Austin Bradley’s Avatar

Austin Bradley

Live and studio musician
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Millington, Tennessee
31 Answers
26108 Reads
41 Karma

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Anderson’s Avatar
Anderson Dec 08, 2024 782 views

How to become a singer Spanish?

how to become a singer I want to all ways since a kid to become someone would remember I want to give it to my career I want to give it a shot I would like to try my own music could be Spanish or anything .

Aileana’s Avatar
Aileana Dec 04, 2024 364 views

do I need Qualifications to become a pop sensation?

do I need Qualifications to become a pop sensation? if so, why?

Alaster’s Avatar
Alaster Nov 30, 2024 1025 views

what careers are available in the music industry?

if I pursue a career in music what job opportunities would be available for me

bill’s Avatar
bill Nov 27, 2024 579 views

how can i turn my love for music into a career?

i like music

Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan Nov 18, 2024 936 views

How can I start a business involving Music and Tech?

My passion is music. Through music I connect with people all over, but I also want to get involved in robotics and microchips. How can I mix the two ?

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Oct 28, 2024 437 views

What should I do if I am thinking about doing an independent job?

I gave some thought into it and I wanted to be a virtual YouTuber (content creator) and a Vocaloid music artist. But I am not thinking of joining any corporation because I want to do it as an independent profession. What should I do to start off?

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Oct 22, 2024 727 views

I am wondering what opportunities are available for Piano Pedagogy majors after they graduate? What is your story? What was your piano playing experience like, if any, and what qualities do you look for in a teacher??

I am a current Piano Pedagogy Major and would love to learn more about the post-graduation field, as I graduate in May.

Heaven’s Avatar
Heaven Oct 21, 2024 811 views

If my strengths are Creativeness along with Leadership and my hobbies are Art, Projects, and Singing, what types of careers or industries might fit me?

Industries are much bigger than careers? What forever long life job could I get aka a career to get my creative gears turning.

Ka’shia’s Avatar
Ka’shia Oct 18, 2024 2016 views

What type of skills or experiences are record labels looking for when reviewing an interns resume?

I am a Journalism and Graphic Design major. My ultimate career goal is to work for a record label. Some of the careers I had considered are marketing, design, content creation, etc. However, my school does not have any opportunities for students who want to work in the entertainment industry....

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Oct 07, 2024 960 views

What should I consider when looking for a suitable College/University for me?

I am currently thinking about video editing/production (specifically ones where I can stay anonymous to the public like virtual YouTubers), music production (including Vocaloid music), computer programming (specifically video games or character rigging), and business management/development.

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie Oct 03, 2024 626 views

My name is Kylie. I am sixteen and currently a Junior. Do you have any recommendations on college for a student with an average GPA and a want to be a musical theatre major? I really need some advice on how to get into a certain college and which one to pick.

I have musical theatre experience. I have been in my high school drama club for over 6 years now. Some standout roles are: Carlotta (Phantom of the Opera), Mr.s Teavee (Charlie and the Chocloate Factory), Jan (Grease) along with many others. I have had voice lessons training for opera singing...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Oct 02, 2024 587 views

How do i get into the musical theatre world after high school?

I am a 15 year old sophomore at a private high school, looking to get a bfa in college. i would like to know just generally more about how difficult it is to get that degree and when i should start preparing for auditions.

lexi’s Avatar
lexi Sep 28, 2024 1396 views

How can I make music?

I want to make music because I like listening to it

Parker’s Avatar
Parker Sep 18, 2024 573 views

What steps did you take to become successful musician?

My name is parker, i'm in the 11th grade and since middle school i've been trying to become a successful musician i've been on stage and played to people before but im worried ill waste my time or money on something that wont happen for me. My plan was to go to julliards and study there for a...

Jack’s Avatar
Jack Sep 18, 2024 909 views

how do you find a location?

I'm interested in opening a business specifically a vinyl and CDS store. how do you decide on a location from the store because I know that the location is one the more important parts of the opening one.