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Senior Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
21 Answers
60480 Reads
1 Karma

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Gabby’s Avatar
Gabby Apr 10, 2020 1722 views

What is the most important quality you look for in a potential employee?

#college #recentlygraduated #jobsearch #communicationstudies

Lucia’s Avatar
Lucia Apr 28, 2020 2577 views

What is the best way to achieve your dreams?

I have really big dreams and it’s hard to think that they are possible, What is the best way to stay confident #college #college-advice #bigdreams #art #student

danieh’s Avatar
danieh May 14, 2020 4533 views

Should I take calculus?

I'm in high school right now wanting to pursue an education in business/economics, and I'm wondering if I should take calculus in my senior year. Any advice? #math #business #career #econ #economics #highschool #school #professional #university

Mohammad’s Avatar
Mohammad Mar 10, 2020 890 views

Can Student do Master of Science in Finance after pursuing BBA degree ?

#finance #accounting #masters #college

S’s Avatar
S Jul 10, 2020 4378 views

What type of careers can one do with a finance degree?

I am a senior and interested in doing finance. I want to know more about the type of careers that are both financially stable and less stressful. #finance #career

Vanisha’s Avatar
Vanisha Jul 22, 2020 733 views

What are some colleges with a good medical program?

#medicine #surgery # #program

Ritvik’s Avatar
Ritvik Jun 19, 2020 4340 views

What careers and jobs are available for me if i am interested in mathematics?

#engineering #math #career-path

Beatriz’s Avatar
Beatriz Jun 20, 2020 1394 views

Do you need math to be an effective programmer?

I'm curious about the possibility of being a programmer. However, I'm not good with logic or math and haven't understood Python based on some free classes I've seen of it. #math #computer #programming

Ashwini’s Avatar
Ashwini Jun 29, 2020 1319 views

Is getting into IIT better for studying BTech in Computer Science Engineering than getting into BITS?

Student; #computer-engineering #computer-science #engineering #science

Victwhon’s Avatar
Victwhon Jul 01, 2020 1128 views

How can you become a better engineer?

I am a high school student.
I want to go to a divisional 1 college when I graduate from High School. #engineer #engineering #high-school #college #graduate-school

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 14, 2020 15712 views

What is your favorite thing about working for the company?

#business #information-technology

Maxwell’s Avatar
Maxwell Jan 18, 2018 1305 views

What is it like to be a Financial Engineer

I want to make sure I am going into the right field.

Riley’s Avatar
Riley May 17, 2018 2458 views

Is a math degree good for a career?

I am currently pursuing a degree in math. I know that there are a lot of careers that use math these days like insurance, finance, statistics, and cryptography. Is this the best degree to ensure that I get a job in one of these fields? And, if not what else should I look at? Thank you. #math...

Cedric’s Avatar
Cedric Mar 18, 2019 1784 views

What best jobs can i get with a degree in finance .

#finance #accounting #business #job #investing

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Oct 03, 2019 844 views

What are the top paying jobs in finance?

What is the salary range for finance occupation ? #finance #business