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Rich Feitelberg’s Avatar

Rich Feitelberg

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Quincy, Massachusetts
15 Answers
7534 Reads
11 Karma

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CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Feb 10 249 views

Where can I submit my writing for feedback and potential opportunities?

Hi everyone, I live in Kentucky and have a deep passion for writing. I write songs (especially in the country music space), blog, and enjoy storytelling on topics like self-help, sports, and life experiences. I’ve had a unique and interesting life, giving me a distinct perspective in my...

Catrina’s Avatar
Catrina Jan 13 665 views

How can I publish my book as a high schooler?

Hello! I am a freshman in high school, and I am halfway through writing a book that I would really like to publish. However, publishing is expensive. Should I wait until I’ve graduated to try and publish? Could I potentially self-publish?

Tiana’s Avatar
Tiana Jan 08 171 views

Sources for Writing Poetry that will pay you for your work?

Does anyone know of any sources for minors (16 yrs of age) that can get paid for writing poetry online?

Sky’s Avatar
Sky Jan 06 1180 views

if I was trying to be a professional fiction writer what is the first step I'm supposed to take as a 12th grader in high school?

want to be able to make more books that could make a variety of people want to read and have more options in the world.

Sky’s Avatar
Sky Jan 06 621 views

what is the best way to start creative writing online and actually make money?

I love creative writing and I want to take it to the next step and actually make money out of it but I have no clue on where to start

Angy’s Avatar
Angy Dec 27, 2024 1381 views

Can I pursue acting/writing in the US as a side thing ?

Hello everyone, I am European and this year when u finish highschool I plan on going to Santa Monica community college while having a remote data analyst job that is going to pay for my living expenses. Now I would like to study STEM while pursuing acting/writing. Can acting be a side career? I...

Delilah’s Avatar
Delilah Dec 11, 2024 1052 views

What are the average yearly salary of someone in the English Language Arts field??

At school, I enjoy reading, writing, and history, while my hobbies include sports and reading. A idea I'm passionate about is the thought of writing poem's and novels, yet I don't know if it is a realistic career after college and if I should begging searching for a different career idea. I...

Hunter’s Avatar
Hunter Dec 11, 2024 522 views

What if I want two totally different jobs and want to pro-sue both of them?

Robotics/Mechanical Engineer and Acting/writing. I want to do both because I love theater and books, plus I do super well in ELA. But I also really want to do Robotics, kind of like Tony Stark. I really like building mechanical stuff. Should I do one on the side? Please help.

Ember’s Avatar
Ember Dec 10, 2024 2717 views

What would you say your creative process is? What inspires your ideas when writing? How long does it typically take for you to finish a book?

I'm Atlas! A student at Job Corps who wants to go into writing.

Ryzel’s Avatar
Ryzel Dec 06, 2024 531 views

How do I start?

I started writing this book in eighth grade for fun, and I forgot about it for a while. Then, when I decided I might try becoming a writer, I told my friends about this short story, and my friends told me to finish it. They are very encouraging, but I don't know what to do. And even if I did...

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Dec 07, 2024 477 views

How to sell my novel to someone ?

I am Noah by name I am looking for a scholarship program for novel writer where I can write my novels and put it there so that I can sell my novel I am in need of the scholarship so that I can be with you so the novel and use it to pay for some of my school fees in my schooling thank you I...

Caroline’s Avatar
Caroline Nov 28, 2024 848 views

how can someone improve on their writing skills?

i need advice on how to be able to write well and articulate

Blessing’s Avatar
Blessing Nov 22, 2024 682 views

how can i be a great artist?

Advice on my acting skills

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 20, 2024 528 views

How to become a proofreader?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a proofreader?

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Zoey’s Avatar
Zoey Oct 14, 2024 317 views

How much overtime do you put in/how much time do you have for family, hobbies etc. ?

I'm in 11th, and looking into Marine Biology and/or Writing and would like to know how much free time these jobs have.