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jamie566 views

why is univesity important?

I like the math and music because is very incredible and amazing, I like the math for the numbers and the music for the melody, the notes and the letters

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olivia522 views

How do you end up getting a good job after college and become successful in marketing

I plan on going to Arizona State at W.P Carey Business school to study marketing and planning to get a minor in international business. I have always wanted to do marketing but want to become successful in this career field. How possible is this to achieve?

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Wendy317 views

What kind of careers do fashion business majors usually pursue?

I want to know more about the different types of careers people go into for fashion marketing.

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Mauricio539 views

i want to learn more about marketing skills?

i am 16 years old and i want to learn about business marketing

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Kyra961 views

is a marketing and management bachelors degree still valuable?

im currently a marketing and brand management student, and im wondering if this degree is still valuable and if there will be jobs in the near future... because i kind of want to change to the health field - for job purposes...

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Brillith796 views

Should I change my Marketing degree into a General Business Degree?

Hello everyone I am looking for some career guidance I am a senior in my last semester of university. I believe I have lost interest in my marketing degree although I enjoyed learning many topics within my curriculum when I completed my required internship during the last semester of my junior year I found myself bored and unhappy. I was set to complete an internship position within my sophmore year but due to family health issues this did not occur. I tried applying to many other marketing positions but had no luck landing any which made me feel uneasy about the value of my degree and how it would not provide me the stability I was seeking. However, I was trying to stay positive throughout my college years as I thought my marketing major was a good fit for me, but after completing my internship I feel as though it is not for me as I am not being challenged. In addition I now feel that marketing does not give me a sense of fufillment as well. I feel ashamed because I know think I have wasted four years towards something that does not align with me. My question now is that would it be better to change my major to general if I am no longer interested in Marketing? I do not want employers to box me into marketing side of things since I no longer want to work within that space. I am now open to the idea of working within finance and human resources but my university does not offer these majors. There is only a finance minor. I have even thought about just graduating with a general business degree and pursuing an elementary teaching certification as one of the requirments is to have a bachelors degree. Please let me know your thoughts as I am feeling stuck and behind in life.

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Angel559 views

What can you do with a associates and bachelors in business administration?

Job options/opportunities

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Fatima635 views

What is the best college to go if you want to be a marketing manager?

What is the best college to go for if you want to be a marketing manager?

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Raven329 views

When should I start my career?

When should I start my career? I’m 15 years old I know I have a a lot of potential for my age. Sometimes I think I might be a workaholic. I just really have the urge to work.

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Jordan356 views

How would I start my career in IT?

As a college student working in a admin job. I have no prior experience in IT. Where would I start to get an entry level job in IT.

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Kayla608 views

What are the 4p’s of marketing?

Elements of Marketing

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Chiara359 views

What are some tips for the Comp TIA A+?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. One piece of advice given to start in IT near end of college is to get the A+ cert, a.k.a the CompTIA A+ certification. What are some tips to know for the A+? What are common easy areas while practicing for the exams? On the flip side: What are common challenges of practicing for the exams?

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Kiana840 views

Advice about getting a Marketing job after college

What are the key skills and qualifications that employers look for when hiring candidates for entry-level marketing positions, and how can I develop or acquire these skills to increase my chances of success in the field?

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Katherine599 views

how do i earn money while i'm in 7th grade? because i want to be able to buy dresses and shoes?

I'm in 7th grade and I'm 13 and need help getting money so that i can buy the things that i want!

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CareerVillage Office Hours227 views

How to become a Landlord?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Landlords on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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CareerVillage Office Hours213 views

How to become a Property Manager?

Tell us everything we need to know to become a Property Manager. Note: Given the growing interest in the property management field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Karen1729 views

I am a very social person, do you think public relations is a good career choice for me?

Hello. I m a junior in high school and I am looking at different careers. I like to talk to people and I like to make new friends. I am a good communicator and I don't mind being in new situations. I also really like the film and fashion industry and really would want to make connections with celebrities. Is PR a good place for me? You are also welcome to tell me what PR consists because I only have a vague idea of what it really consists of. #career #communications #fashion-design #public-relations #pr #celebrity

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Larry1287 views

What major should I choose when I go to college?

Hello, I really love painting and I have some talent for page drawing, but I don't know if I have what it takes to study graphic design. Because recently I discovered that I have signs of hand tremors. I haven't told this to anyone in the family yet. Can I continue to pursue this passion?

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Justice325 views

Should I take classes to complete my IGETC requirements because I want to go to a University?

I am taking college classes while I am in high school. I wanna know if I am wasting my time or not.

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eman291 views

early mailman carrer?

how do i become a mailman? is there classes into becoming a mailman

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