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hanna’s Avatar
hanna yesterday 172 views

Why is gaming not a good career choice?

i love gaming but my parents dont think it is a career choice

zuri’s Avatar
zuri 2 days ago 288 views

How is one normal after trauma?

functioning adult

Lilia’s Avatar
Lilia Jul 21 838 views

How can I put my foot in the door acting in LA if I come from a low-income household?

I'm a 17yo who's turning 18 in September. I really want to start film/tv acting, but I don't have a lot of money to get headshots, lessons, etc. I'm going to be doing intermediate theatre this year (senior year), and I have prior experience doing acting classes in/out of school in the past. I...

baqius’s Avatar
baqius Jul 21 1297 views

As an aspiring aeronautic engineer, what are the key skills and qualifications required to excel in the field Additionally, what are the current trends and future opportunities in aeronautic engineering, and how can one best prepare to contribute to innovations in aircraft design and aerospace technology??

As an aspiring aeronautic engineer, what are the key skills and qualifications required to excel in the field? Additionally, what are the current trends and future opportunities in aeronautic engineering, and how can one best prepare to contribute to innovations in aircraft design and aerospace...

Dinesh’s Avatar
Dinesh Jul 19 836 views

What career choices intersect computer science, finance, and artificial intelligence?

I have an interest in the technology sector such as software development and AI. However, I also like the business side, especially the financial sector. Is there a career or career path that intersects computing science and artificial Intelligence finance with the financial sector? Note; By...

Dinesh’s Avatar
Dinesh Jul 18 629 views

Should I pursue higher education without industrial experience?

I am in USA. I do not have work authorization. I graduated in software development in 2016. But, I don't have industrial experience since getting job is impossible due my immigration status. I will hopefully get work authorization in about 5 years. I was thinking of doing masters in...

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Jul 16 448 views

How to become a Scientific Illustrator?

Does a career for scientific illustration or animation exist? If so, what is the demand outlook for this career and process to become a professional in this field?

goe’s Avatar
goe Jul 13 710 views

what looks good on a college application

college advice

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Jul 09 519 views

What Extracurriculars should I be applying to as a Highschool Sophomore wanting to major in Biology?

As a rising highschool sophomore, I wanted to know what programs/competitons I should be aware of and applying to if I plan to major in Biology?

stacy’s Avatar
stacy Jul 09 610 views

What skills are important in any job?

tips of maintaining a job

John’s Avatar
John Jun 26 276 views

What colleges would be best for me?

I need help deciding what colleges would be best for me based on the career path I am taking of cybersecurity. I may also do a computer science or business path.

James’s Avatar
James Jun 24 379 views

As an incoming college freshman, what's the best way to prepare for your first year during the summer?

Especially for students moving away from home! :D

Ester’s Avatar
Ester Jun 23 140 views

How can I schedule my classes to make this work?

I am Class of 2028 and I want to join AFROTC while also balancing pre-med, is there anyone with a similar experience?

Giulia’s Avatar
Giulia Jun 22 313 views

What classes should I take to set myself up for a career in science?

I’m a sophomore and I’m certain I want a career in the science field most likely something to do with genetic variations.

Ayo’s Avatar
Ayo Jun 20 333 views

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

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