Brian P. D. Hannon

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How necessary is it to have a degree in Journalism if you want to become a journalist?
Let me give you context for my question. I've been looking at LinkedIn profiles, and everyone who writes for a big journal usually has a degree in a different field like International Relations, Political Science, etc., and they have done something related to journalism. I'd like to know what...

How do I pursue a career in journalism?
I'm 17, going to be a senior this fall, and I've been passionate about the field of journalism and social justice since I was very young. While I love the field, I know they make little to no money, especially because I want to be an independent journalist that covers dangerous topics later in...

How do I break into the media/journalism field as a non-art major?
My name is Paige and I'm a 2nd year Psychology student and I want to know what steps I should be taking to break into the journalism field. I feel like my major doesn't really offer many art based opportunities.

How do I become a writer for the local paper or a local magazine?
For a while, I've been trying to find a way to become a writer. I've come to a place where I thought I'd try writing for the paper or a magazine. How do I do that?

What kind of skills and classes could assist me in pursuing journalism ?
I’m a freshman in high school. I enjoy writing and interviewing my friends and family. So I would greatly appreciate some help to discover if this is the right fit for me.

how to become a writer as a 12 year old?
i want to become a writer, but i don't know where to start! please help me.

What's the workflow like in journalism?
I'm a good writer and I don't think journalism would be a horrible prospect, but I can imagine that it can be strenuous what with breaking news. How tough do the scriveners of careervillage find their profession?

What type of job is best for me and how do I decide?
I want to find a job where I can visit and learn about different cultures and environments. I love writing, being in and helping nature, helping others, and learning & experiencing new things. With those who are in fields with similar aspirations as I, what are your professions and how did you...

When you were in highschool did you start getting into writing or did you realize in college?
When you were in highschool did you start getting into writing or did you realize in college?

Any good ideas for what to mojor or minor with journalism? It's my dream to study it but I want to have have something to fall back on.
I'm not really good at math or sciences but I would like to be able to find something that is somehow interlinked with english or journalism so I can maybe use both of them together to help me get a job since i've heard its hard to find one. Thanks in advance and any ideas are appreciated....

How can you choose what type of journalism you would like to qualify in?
Hi, I'm Jinan and I want to be a journalist however, I don't exactly understand how you can end up in the type of journalism you would like to qualify in. I would like to become a field journalist and report not only breaking news, but cultural and religious stories and ideas. #journalism...

As a Journalist, how would you handle a hostile or uncooperative interviewee?
I am doing a career bog project and trying to get insight on how do Journalists handle hostile or uncooperative interviewees.
#journalism #journalist

Can I still become a journalist or work in that field, even if I study history in college?
I am a high school senior who wants to study history in college. I have been debating what career I might see myself in after college, and something with writing or journalism is one of them. #journalism #journalist

What should I study in college in order to become a journalist?
I'm a 9th grader interested in becoming a news journalist. I wanted to know what college courses I should take in order to pursue this career. #journalism #journalist #media

What are some good careers for people interested in history, writing, and journalism?
I am currently a college student, and I am not sure what career I want to pursue. I am interested in multiple subjects including writing, history, and journalism. Is there a career that combines these things? What are some of the best careers in these subjects?
#history #writing #career