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Emani Terry’s Avatar

Emani Terry

Production/ Marketing
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
16 Answers
25353 Reads
56 Karma


Civic Duty

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Yanet’s Avatar
Yanet Apr 28, 2018 766 views

I have recently changed my major to Public Relations and begin the program in this upcoming fall. As a transfer student what are some tips you recommend for students entering into the College of Journalism and Communications?

#public-relations #college-transfer #journalism

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Jan 16, 2018 1286 views

What tricks are there to calm down and present with confidence?

I get so anxious and nervous when I have to present a project infront of a class. I would really like to find a solution to this problem because as I progress in my major I would love to be able to put my ideas into the classroom and inspire.#presentations #anxiety #public-speaking

Amai’s Avatar
Amai Jan 24, 2018 1188 views

In the journalism field, what’s the best thing you can do to prepare to be a sports broadcaster?

I want to major in journalism and I want to become a sport broadcaster but I know you can’t just magically become one, there are steps. #journalism #sportsnews

veronica’s Avatar
veronica May 13, 2016 1197 views

What should I do after I graduate college?

I have big dreams of becoming a professional dancer who books, tours, music videos, award shows, musicals, and any other kind of shows you can think of. I'm going to study interdisciplinary arts with specialization in arts leadership in Seattle University where I can learn about both the...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 08, 2016 1986 views

How can I become a professional snapchatter?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at Career Village. My teacher mentioned that his roommates are professional snapchatters, and they make more money than he does. It sounds like an awesome job- how do you get there? #social-media #snapchat

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jun 23, 2016 1303 views

Which is easier to maintain: a blog or a vlog?

I've been thinking about starting a blog about my endeavors in college as a musical theatre student and to share the knowledge I'm gaining from my experiences in this field. Now I'm considering creating a YouTube channel to express my thoughts. I'm not sure platform which I should commit my...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 29, 2017 1149 views

What matters more when it comes to applying to graduate school, the number of class you have taken or experience?

I am a Junior at Queens College #career #career-counseling #marketing #career-path #career-development

Liya’s Avatar
Liya May 27, 2016 1248 views

Is it a good idea to get a journalism degree if you're not so sure you want to be a journalist?

My college has a great journalism major, but I'm not sure yet if I want to stick with journalism as my career path. I know I want to do something writing-related, but that could include newspapers, magazines, scripts, blogging, publishing, editing, even copyediting is something I'm interested...

Gwenevere ’s Avatar
Gwenevere Aug 11, 2016 9309 views

cinematography or editing?

Trying to decide between cinematography and editing what are the skills needed for both areas and what are the career opportunities in the areas. #film-production #personal-development #career-details #editing #cinematography #movies

Senad’s Avatar
Senad May 18, 2016 993 views

What is the best way to find a good internship or externship for business?

I want to gain experience in what I'm trying to do in the future. #business #marketing

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 21, 2016 1106 views

As a journalist what is the hardest thing about your job? And what is the best state to start a job in journalism

I am a junior in college and am majoring in mass communicantions #journalism

Edzel’s Avatar
Edzel May 30, 2017 1213 views

What If the career I want to pursue isn't very successful?

I like dancing and acting, but I know that to be successful in that career, it's a one in a million chance. I would love to just be apart of that world, either editing or filming the whole thing. But I don't know what college to go and am pretty unsure of going on to pursue it. #film #dancing...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 30, 2017 1430 views

How do you focus and manage your time wisely?

It's very hard to focus, even though it's quiet. I easily get bored. It's also hard to manage your time. I always procrastinate. #studying-tips #focusing #procrastination

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jun 02, 2017 1680 views

Is it bad to have TOO many extracurriculars on the college app?

Although I am not applying to college yet, I am involved in many extracirriculars because I have a lot of different interests that may not relate to each other like singing, drawing, science, writing, etc. If I continue to do all these extracirriculars (simply because I will enjoy them), would...

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb May 10, 2016 1159 views

Broadcaster salary?

How much do u get paid for it? #television #broadcast-media #people #financial-planning