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Kristan Browne Swan’s Avatar

Kristan Browne Swan

Business Consultant and Coach
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Los Angeles, California
15 Answers
16715 Reads
137 Karma



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Odilia’s Avatar
Odilia Jan 20 1030 views

How can I start looking in a career I’m interested in or makes money ?

As a fifteenth year old and a rising junior with no job experience how can I start with selecting a career and choosing to go or to not go to college.

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Nov 20, 2023 908 views

Should I pursue a full time job in marketing or freelance to build an agency?

In my previous job at a large family fitness facility I was a marketing associate and customer experience manager, this meant I did everything from crafting marketing campaigns to fulfilling the services. Design the menu and work in the kitchen...I designed all banners, posters, merchandise,...

Blaze’s Avatar
Blaze Sep 11, 2023 463 views

How do you start with promoting yourself if you want to start an online business?

I want to start my own online business but don't know where to get a crowd.

David’s Avatar
David Mar 07, 2023 352 views

Is it hard to start your own business ?

What do I need to do

Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Jan 16, 2018 936 views

Do I need to have some type of internship in order to get my foot in the door with interior design?

I want to be an interior designer, but I don’t know where to start. Should I start college looking for people who are wanting to go down the same path as me or who have already gone down that path? #interior-design #design #internships

Caio’s Avatar
Caio Jan 24, 2017 1458 views

How do we choose between two equally good colleges?

I'm currently inconclusive whether I should apply to SCAD Atlanta or SCAD Savannah, as both schools give me equal opportunity of success. How does one decide? #college #art #design #scad

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Jan 16, 2018 1227 views

What is it like owning your own small business?

I'm going to college to get a business degree and I plan on starting my own small business someday, but I don't know what that really consists of. Is it hard to be successful and make a decent living with this being your only source of income? #business #small-business

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Jan 10, 2018 1315 views

What steps should I take to become a small business owner?

I am an 11th grader and I am passionate about being a small business owner. I've always dreamt of opening up a tea house and want to know what steps I should take to get there. I have no idea where to start and would really appreciate guidance.

#entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #small-business

Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole Sep 27, 2017 783 views

What steps should I take to become a fashion designer and started my own business? What is a typical day for a fashion designer Also, where can I go to college to become a fashion designer?

Hi, my name is Nicole I live in San Jose CALIFORNIA!!!!!! I have loved design my own things and being original. I want to basically know what I have to do to become a fashion designer. #fashion #fashion-design #design #entrepreneurship

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy Sep 27, 2017 1096 views

What types of careers need artistic ability?

I am currently a sophomore in high school and I have no idea what I want to do in the future. Preferably, I would like to work in a field that is art related but I am intimidated by that idea because I've been told that this type of career is risky and the pay isn't very high. However, I heard...

Terrence’s Avatar
Terrence Sep 01, 2017 979 views

How do you find a good college?

Im having a hard time trying to decide what school i want to pursue. I am currently going into my last year of high school and looking to improve my grades so that i can get into a good college. I am looking at design and art schools because I am currently majoring in Industrial design. #design...

Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob May 24, 2016 1099 views

How can one stay healthy and active with a busy college schedule?

It is hard to maintain a healthy diet while in college because you are so busy what are some tips on staying active? #trainer

jenna’s Avatar
jenna May 25, 2016 842 views

What is the best way to find internships in college?

I hope have a few internships in the future. #college #internships

Chandni ’s Avatar
Chandni May 24, 2016 3440 views

How do you know what career you want?

I'm a bit unsure what to do after college. How do you decide what your path should be? #business #marketing #fashion #design #photography #advertising #drawing #undecided

Aileen ’s Avatar
Aileen May 16, 2016 1035 views

Is is advantageous to start a business as an online business before opening up a physical store? Is this a good way to build a costumer base and save up money for rent and other expenses?

My sister and I are hoping to own our own small business in the future, selling handmade items. #business #real-estate #small-business