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Joshua Clark’s Avatar

Joshua Clark

Oncology(Cancer) Nurse
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
27 Answers
24471 Reads
121 Karma



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Brandy’s Avatar
Brandy Mar 30, 2022 1990 views

Can you study to become a nurse after being a licensed phlebotomist?

I've been interested in phlebotomy and nursing and I'm curious if I can pursue to become a nurse after being a phlebotomist?

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Apr 24, 2022 839 views

Is getting a Bachelors worth it before joining vet tech school?

I am debating if I want to get my associate's in science and then go straight into vet tech or wait a little longer until I get my bachelor's probably in biology.

Brandy’s Avatar
Brandy Mar 03, 2022 818 views

Is Phlebotomy a type of nursing?

#Nurse #RN #Phlebotomy #Med #MedicalSchool

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Apr 21, 2022 1070 views

How do I start studying mortuary science on my own?

To all professional morticians out there, do you have any tips as to how I can study and research mortuary sciences? I'm unsure where to begin.

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Sep 16, 2021 625 views

What should I study in college to become a forensic pathologist?

My current plan is to study Biology and then go to med school but im wondering if theres an easier route to achive this. Do I have to go to med school? #biology #forensic

Tara’s Avatar
Tara Apr 19, 2022 671 views

Schooling options

Which program prepares you more for the nursing degree. A 1+2+1 SUNY/Nursing program to earn your bachelor's degree or should you do 2 years RN first then 2 years earning your bachelor's degree.

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Apr 20, 2022 378 views

What is your best advice for getting experience/jobs before going into medical device sales? I am looking to know what summer jobs would be best for me to apply to.

I am currently planning on attending the Medical Devices College do do the 12 week course after I graduate. However, I want to know what jobs you suggest I look for before getting to that stage in order to best prepare me.

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy Sep 28, 2021 568 views

Which schools in California are the best to become a general practitioner?

#college-major #college #doctor

Christi’s Avatar
Christi Mar 12, 2018 935 views

Clinical vs research experience?

I am applying for MD/PhD programs. Is it more important that I get more research experience after I graduate or clinical experience? #premed #medicine #clinical-research #research

Leo’s Avatar
Leo Mar 28, 2022 630 views

What kind of internship work does one have to do in the marine biology field?

I'm planning to get an Associates degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences before getting a Bachelors in Marine Biology.

v’s Avatar
v Apr 09, 2022 426 views

Can i change my goal for phd other then my M-Tech Project/Thesis?

if i change my mind to choose the area of research other then that i have choosen for my M-tech project .Or i want to change my research area for phd .

Nadia’s Avatar
Nadia Apr 12, 2022 375 views

Colleges to Consider

I am a sophomore in high school and I was wondering what schools would be great if you want to take the Pediatric route and which schools should I avoid?