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vicky13 views

Does anyone know what my teacher means when he says "do not simply connect one footnote source to the next" mean?

i think my brain is gone.

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Grace46 views

What would you suggest as a good career path to someone who enjoys learning and helping others understand concepts (e.g. disease process)?

Currently an RN (passed boards Nov 2023 and got registered on Jan 2024) working in a non-bedside role (CPO) with no actual clinical experience. I am considering taking up Masters of Arts in Nursing if I find an affordable opportunity because I feel like I want to study more but I'm not sure if it's for me and I don't really know where that can take me in my career. I am interested in MAN non-thesis because I like being able to learn new things and question as to why things are in a certain way. I get a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from learning and being able to understand things in depth. I also did consider like research nursing or being and educator, but I feel like I might need bedside experience for those... I don't think I'm strong enough to be at the bedside (life-death is in your hands), I enjoy more of the knowledge side of things. A part of me also really wants to travel so if ever an opportunity arises that I can either afford through a scholarship to study masters abroad, I would love that especially since I grew up outside of the PH in the first place and I long for diversity so much. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what paths I can take with this in mind.

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Lismeyir25 views

How I can found a job?

I don’t know how to found a job

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Graham13 views

How do I become great

What are the different career paths I can take with a major in computer science? How can I gain experience in marketing if I don’t have an internship? Why is it important to network with professionals in my field?

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Adama31 views

I’m wondering what some good jobs in biology are, how to attain them, and why those jobs exist and what purpose they serve. I’ve taken living environment so I know a bit about biology but I want to know more about it.

I’m also in 9th grade and my favorite classes are English II, Algebra II, and Chemistry II.

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Josiah13 views

What are some other options other than a double major?

For a while, I was planning on double majoring in voice and piano performance. Now I'm a bit worried that a double major might take up too much time. So what are some other options? I have much more experience in piano, but I would really like to get a degree in both? I'm not really sure what to do pls help!

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Aleksandra18 views

How did you decide which states you would get an optometry license for?

I plan on living in New England after I graduate from optometry school in 2027, but am unsure exactly where I will end up. Did you receive an optometry license in one or multiple states, and why?

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Melody29 views

What is the best college choice for a nursing major?

I'm in 9th grade currently and deciding to research colleges and im interested in becoming a registered Nurse.

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Licia30 views

How can I find a part-time job, while in high-school?

How can I find a part-time job, while in high-school, as a rising senior.

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James62 views

How do you determine what to do in the future?

I'm currently a sophomore in high school

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David26 views

How to be successful in life?

How can I make it in life

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Carly24 views

should I go to college in my city first then transfer to a uni?

I graduted early and a lot of people have been telling me I should go to my community college which just got promoted to a state college for a year before I go to uni. I have no idea what to do and could really use some advice.

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Bernie42 views

Business path and your story in it?

Hey! I am a first-student at UC Davis looking forward to interning in areas within the business field. Any tips on finding websites for internships? Also if you're in the business field, I would love to hear more about your story and how you got to where you are now. ie what internships and things you did to score/land your job in where you are now. Thank you!

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Jordyn57 views

Where can i get kpop backround music from?

Im writting a song and i need a backround music .I need a website for kpop backround music despiratly.i also need a website for posting my kpop songs and dances,pls help!

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Oscar339 views

What is something that can help me figure out the career path I would want?

I really enjoy things that i can focus and get into the zone in and i just need to figure out what those things are

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