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Genavieve’s Avatar
Genavieve May 13, 2023 339 views

How can I look competitive on an application?

I’m looking to major in environmental studies in college next year. I’m primarily an academic and have had little time to get a job - although I’ve done a fair amount of volunteer work at local libraries etc. Due to this inexperience I'm worried that I’ll struggle to find a job that will...

Joy’s Avatar
Joy May 15, 2023 451 views

What jobs can I get with a degree in environmental engineering?

What jobs can I get with a degree in environmental engineering

Omar’s Avatar
Omar May 14, 2023 276 views

Any tips for the environmental sciences ?

Hi, I'm currently majoring in biology in college but plan to switch to environmental earth sciences systems with a concentration in environmental sciences and ecology. I don't know anyone in this field and want to learn more about it. What do people with this degree do? What does the job...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Dec 04, 2015 1382 views

What field of study would someone have to do to become a water resource specialist?

I am a senior in high school and recently I've found that I am interested in this career. I don't know much about what it takes to become a water resource specialist, but I am interested in learning more about it and seeing if it is the right career for me. I am also interested in learning more...

Kadence’s Avatar
Kadence May 13, 2023 417 views

I need science based job ideas.

I am looking for a science-related job. I don't really care a lot about money and just want a pretty non-stressful job, any ideas for me?

Gerald’s Avatar
Gerald May 17, 2022 1148 views

If I was undecided on what engineering profession to pursue, what engineering field you'll recommend for me to study?

I want to make sure that I choose the best engineering profession for me, but also learn how to choose the best profession.

Aleeciah’s Avatar
Aleeciah Nov 08, 2021 1965 views

What are good jobs in the rock-science field?

I have liked learning stuff about geodes,crystals etc. and I wanna know more about those types of job fields, I only know of Geology but i'm not entirely sure I wanna be a Geologist #geology #science #career

jackie’s Avatar
jackie Sep 07, 2022 749 views

I am unsure of what I want my future career to be but I know that I want to be in the medical/health field. What degree/courses should I take in uni?

I am scared that I won't get anywhere in life because I'm very indecisive. My first choice was to do nursing but I didn't want to waste my money and time when later on I decide to quit. so I want to find a degree that allows me to have more options in career choices. and just a background story...

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jan 24, 2018 1048 views

What skills are most important for me to learn in preparation for a career as a Geologist / Geoscientist?

I am a freshman Geology major and want to choose the best coursework to prepare myself for a career in geology / geoscience. #geology #geoscientist #environmental-geology ###geology

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jan 16, 2018 692 views

What is the best Scholarship website for working parents to pay for college?

Where can I find the best Scholarship websites for a working mom trying to get a higher education? #nursing #scholarships #financial-aid

Larissa’s Avatar
Larissa Apr 24, 2018 619 views

What is the best way to pay off student loans?

I have a lot of student loans and am trying to figure out how to best pay them off while not living paycheck-to-paycheck. #studentloans

Valeria’s Avatar
Valeria Apr 19, 2018 594 views

Why can’t college students learn what is only necessary for their career?

What if someone wants to be an English teacher, why is it requiered to take a math class? Why can’t we start learning right away what we need to for our career, we are just getting ourselves into more money debt taking classes that are not necessary #studentloans

Natilius’s Avatar
Natilius Aug 26, 2022 1364 views

Could I live my life with a security salary?

Would a career in security ensure I live a moderately comfortable and financially secure life?

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Aug 16, 2022 8138 views

How do you answer "Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, etc. years?"

I'm not really sure how to answer this question without hurting my chances of getting hired. I plan on returning to school and getting my bachelor's degree. I'm not sure what I will be getting my bachelor's in.

Marla’s Avatar
Marla Aug 27, 2018 621 views

What is the probability of getting a job in the rio grande valley that will pay a decent amount

#money # #salary #job