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Ranae’s Avatar
Ranae Nov 03, 2020 611 views

i am in the 10th grade and i am just beginning to to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps should i consider based on my passions and interests?

at school, i am most interested in cosmetology, photography, and plants, while my hobbies include doing hair, and collect plants. A topic i am passionate about is doing hair and/or make-up. what are some career options that best align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps i...

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 04, 2020 1296 views

Do I have to go to college to become a choreographer?

I'm a dancer and I want to own a dance studio but I don't want to attend college for a long time. #dance #entrepreneur #businessowner

Ivette’s Avatar
Ivette Aug 31, 2020 644 views

.. I never finished high school and would like to get into real estate,, should I take certain math courses or any other courses to get started?

Im Stay at home Mom, for quite sum time. .Doubtful, tho I know I have potential. . Trying to get myself into a profession where I can possibly make good money. No clue where to start. No high school diploma. #student

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Aug 28, 2020 570 views

What are the best classes for becoming a welding technician?

I'm looking to know what classes I should take to be a welding technician.

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy Aug 31, 2020 658 views

What classes in high school are helpful in the field of interior designer?

#interior-design #business #high-school-students

Itzel’s Avatar
Itzel Aug 31, 2020 1490 views

I'm in a Community College but I dont know what I want to major in.

I would like to travel around the world and explore new places, earn money and be able to help others. I'm not sure what I want to major in and its stressing me out. I'm also afraid to choose the wrong career. How can I know exactly what I want? And what classes should I take if I'm undecided?...