Career questions tagged fafsa

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Lourdes5015 views

When is it too late to fill out the FAFSA for the 24-25 school year?

When is it too late to fill out the FAFSA for the 2024-2025 college year? I haven't out in my college application yet, and I'm not sure if I do the application before or after FAFSA.

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Beka544 views

How do I apply for Financial Aid?

How do I apply for financial aid? I filled out FAFSA but I'm not sure what to do with it.

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Tyler1338 views

Parent won’t put financial info on Fafsa application. Can I put other parent on it?

I’m trying to go back to school and turn my life around, but I can’t do it without financial aid. I’m 22, and had to move back in with my father 7 months ago (I was desperate). My father has a gambling and drug addiction, as a result, I’m constantly staying with friends and family members. I go from friends couch, to aunts basement. My address is at my fathers apartment, but I’m NEVER there. He refuses to give me any of his financial info to put on my Fafsa. I haven’t lived with my mom since high school, but she did offer to let me use her on my FAFSA application. Can I do that? I don’t live with her. Neither parent takes care of me financially, but my address is at my fathers. What should I do? #college #scholarship #finance #financial-aid #financial-aid #Fafsa #Money

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Keo1081 views

Can I attend two universities?

I committed to two colleges but college 1 starts in the summer 2021 and the college 2 starts in the fall 2021. I am planning on only staying at college 1 for the summer term and then dropping out. I plan on continuing at college 2 from fall till the end of my sophomore year. I plan on using my FAFSA Subsidized loan to pay for my summer term. What would happen if I finish my summer term but then dropped out of college 1 to go into college 2? Would the interest occur immediately? Or is it not allowed to use my FAFSA for more than one college? I only have unsubsidized loans for college 2 which I don't plan on using. #finance #financial-aid #human-resources #FAFSA

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Oscar478 views

How does a student fill out a fafsa if they don’t have a social security number?

I want to fill out the fafsa to receive non federal aid but what happens to those that don’t a social security number? #fafsa #students

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Oscar658 views

Don’t want loans on my financial aid?

I don’t want loans just grants and scholarships how do I do that with the fafsa? #fafsa #debtfree #colleges

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Gina740 views

Where is a good place to start when applying for colleges and scholarships?

Money will be an issue for me that is why I'm trying to gauge my options from what schools are offering me, what scholarships I am able to receive and how much I am able to get through FAFSA, which I won't even get to do until at least February. So where do I start with all of this? I'm trying not to let it stress me out but yeah. #stressed #collegeapps #scholarships #help #FAFSA #money

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Jeremy908 views

Is it necessary to minor in chemistry if I am interested in the criminal forensic laboratory field?

Hello, I am a current student at Xavier University located in Cincinnati, Ohio (Go Muskies!). I am double major in criminal justice and psychology and will hope to complete Xavier University with a bachelor degree in science. With my immense passion for justice, I want to take my bachelor degree to criminal forensic lab. However, I am concern that I may or may not be on the correct path in making my way to what I want to pursue in my career option. My concern is if whether I should continue my double major with criminal justice and psychology and go forth a minor in chemistry. Another option that I had in mind was if I should consider psychology as a minor and make chemistry my actual second major? I have already proceeded to gain required hours for my psychology major is that helps with anyone answering my question(s)/concern. I would appreciate anyones guidance, professional or not. Thank you! -Jeremy B. #fafsa #xavieru #xavieruniveristy #1kscholarship #studentloan #scholarship #financialaid #lowincome #jesuitcollege #musketeer #criminaljustice #criminal #science #psychology #chemistry #justice#forensic #lab #laboratory

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Kiara1022 views

Can I ask for more financial aid?

I received no financial aid due to my mother's income, but I live in a boom-and-bust economy so the income on the 2017 tax report is over $30,000 over her income this year. Can I challenge the financial aid judgement to earn more $$$ #financial-aid #money #finance #scholarships #fafsa ?

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Karisma859 views

How am I supposed to pay for tuition without going into debt?

I’m on my own when it comes to the college experience, and I really don’t want to be in debt for the rest of my life all because I wanted a better education. FAFSA can only cover so much of the tuition, how am I supposed to manage being a full time student as well as a full time employee? #school ##highschool #fafsa #scholarships

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Jorge753 views

What is the best way to pay for my college?

There are multiple ways including bank loans, federal loans, financial aid, scholarships subsidized and subsidized loans, etc and I am not sure which is the best. #finance #college #financial-aid #scholarships #loans #fafsa

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Tranautica911 views

How do I pay for college once i get in

I got in to Jarivis but I have no Idea how to pay #money $finance #college #scholarships #loans #financial-aid #fafsa #paying-for-college

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Lizbeth774 views

What is the most amount of financial aid (money) that an individual can receive?

#makeitrain #finance #financial-aid #money #college #fafsa

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Jose780 views

If I am selected for verification for FAFSA and am unable to submit the documents needed to complete the verification process, how will that affect me?

I was selected for verification but am having difficulty ordering the necessary tax return transcript needed for the verification process for one of the schools I applied to and have tried all avenues (calling, ordering online, going in person to local IRS office) to request the document but have been unable to get the document. #fafsa #financialaid

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Osmar1342 views

Is having a house under my name going to affect my financial aid?

My parents got a divorce and my dad gave my mom a house but she does not have a social so she put it under my name. Technically it is under my name but my mom uses the rent money so we can live off from. Will if affect me from receiving the financial aid I get? #fafsa #financial-aid

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Normaris666 views

What is the best way to pay for college like Savannah College of Art and Design?

I am asking this question because I recently was admitted to #Savannah #College of #Art and #Design and its a very expensive college and also my# dream college but the #money part is an issue. I don't receive #FAFSA which is an issue, and my family cant affords the #school. I would like to know the best way to #pay for it that involves #scholarships and #loans?

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Khloe695 views

How does FAFSA work and when should I apply?

I am wanted to know detailed guidelines... #college-tuition #fafsa

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Mireia1126 views

How do you know if you qualify for the Federal Pell Grant and how to accept it?

#pell-grant #grant #scholarships #scholarship #finance #financial-aid #college #college-advice #college-bound #college-admissions #fafsa #payingforcollege #college-counseling ##college #university #learning #higher-education #education #college-help #personal-finance #financial-advising #college-advice

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Cody1538 views

What is a CCS profile, and how does it work? If I've already done a FAFSA, is a CCS Profile still necessary? Where can I find help completing a CCS Profile?

I found the CCS Profile on College Board, but I'm just not totally sure of why it's important, or if it even is important at all. #financial-aid #college #fafsa

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Moriah3371 views

How does FAFSA work when your parent is recently unemployed?

There's not much information online about how to add in special circumstances like this. #fafsa #financial-aid #college-admissions #financial-planning

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Hashir1163 views

Private Loans vs. Federal Loans. What are the pros and cons?

From what I can understand there are many types of loans for undergraduate or graduate school. Can anyone explain why I should choose a federal loan over a private loan or vice versa? #college #finance #financial-services #student-loans #federal-government #fafsa

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Jessi928 views

What is fafsa and how does it work?

What is FAFSA and how does it work? #college #money #fafsa

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Emily1572 views

Do I have to reapply or resubmit fafsa applications each year I attend college?

I'm going to need financial aid, and hopefully the process will be simple! #financial-services #fafsa #process

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Alicia963 views

Can you apply for colleges even if you havent completed Fafsa?

I haven't completed my Fafsa application because I don't have the documents I need. Can I still apply to colleges? #college #fafsa

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Hamid947 views

What do you need to sign up for FAFSA and who do they greatly give money to?

I am a junior in high school. I will be applying to colleges next year. I just wanted to get a basic understanding about FAFSA. #college #university #fafsa

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Anita1063 views

What is FAFSA?

Hey there so I had a few questions about FAFSA and what it is and when I should apply? I'm a freshman in highschool but I want to get a head start but I don't know if right now is too early. #college #university #college-admissions #financial-aid #grants #fafsa

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