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I want to go into journalism but its not that encouraging from the things ive seen. Any advice on how to start from grade 11 to try and make that happen?
I love writing more than anything and I've always wanted to go into something that has to do with it. I have always liked spreading the word on recent events or social issues and I think journalism is the best way to do this. I would really like to pursue it in university but I've heard its...

How to find a dream job
My whole life I haven't thought of what i wanted to do with myself as an adult and now that I am one,I still don't know what I want to do. I'm practically letting life take the wheel and leading me towards what ever lies ahead. #career

Does your major in college have to relate to your future career?
Is it possible to have a career in another department that is significantly #college #career-choice #major different compared to your major?

After college can I go take more classes
#college #student #any #professional #classes

What is being a remote worker like?
For those you of doing remote work, what is is like overall? 1. What kind of work do you do? (contractor, employee, etc.) 2. In regards to work hours, is it more flexible compared to working on site? 3. How are you compensated? (salary, commission, etc.) 4. What is the earning potential of...

What are some skills needed to pursue a Business and Communications major (on the more specific spectrum)?
I've been thinking about majoring in this field for quite a while and I think I'm pretty qualified to excel in this field. I've had experience speaking to big crowds formally, I have quite a few connections not only with my peers but some adults who will also be helpful along the way, I think I...

what are some tips to bring exposure to your company ?
#communications #human-resources

What is the best job for someone who is thinking about going to college for a business and communications major?
I've already had quite a bit of programs that I've been a part of that helps me with my public speaking and getting what I want to say out to the people I want to. I always thought about majoring in this subject because I thought it was nice to have people hear what I have to say. So what is...

How can I be more creative? as a student that wants to study marketing, I feel like I am not very creative. How marketing professionals come up with those creative and great ideas?
I am a student interested in marketing, I am willing to learn more about sector. #marketing #business #marketing-and-advertising #communication #question #answer

How is the life as a graphic designer? Specifically in areas of package, web or ux design??
I am pursuing graphic design in post-secondary. I am contemplating whether I should focus on package, web, or user experience design. Although, I am kind of leaning more towards user experience so any insights on how is it look would be really appreciated. Thanks! #web-design #graphics...

For those who lived on/near campus, what advice do you have for living independently for the first time?
Office Hours #2: SDSU College Student Panel This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was college life. If...