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Bonnie Allen’s Avatar

Bonnie Allen

Assoc. Director Technology
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations
San Diego, California
56 Answers
52752 Reads
101 Karma

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Jonathan U’s Avatar
Jonathan U Oct 25, 2019 437 views

What advice would give someone who is coinciding this type of job (or field)

#career #job #job-search

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Nov 05, 2019 791 views

For Video Game Designer, what things would I need to do and accomplish to make myself as appealing as possible for hire at a professional company?

I, while having enough dedication and intelligence to go into other fields primarily medical, have always been interested in story telling, character creation and development, and interactive experiences just to name a few. As an avid gamer, reader, and watcher of movies, I really enjoy...

Janina’s Avatar
Janina Jan 14, 2018 931 views

How can we make college cheaper in the future?

Although we may be forced to pay ridiculous amounts to provide ourselves with an education, I hope that future generations won't have to do the same. #education #cost #higher-education #financial-aid #college

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 11, 2016 5644 views

What are some areas of telecommunications that will see the most growth in the coming decade or so?

I'm curious about what specific types of jobs are in demand now or will become more in demand within the next few years. This could even include positions that don't exist currently, but might in the future once technological innovations call for it. #communications #telecommunications...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Aug 27, 2019 432 views

I am in the 10th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interest?

At school, I am most interested in helping others, and making sure I get my job done. While my hobbies include volunteering, helping out,simple quiet time. A topic that I'm passionate about is Nursing. #nursing #career

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Aug 27, 2019 594 views

What are things I should consider before choosing to be in the Health Career ?

At school, I am most interested in anatomy and math, while my hobbies include reading and watching medical tv shows I find them so interesting and I know that its not like that in the real life but helping people is what I really like to do . A topic that I am passionate about is medical field...

Akira’s Avatar
Akira Sep 06, 2018 1055 views

Would it be good to study web design in London?

I want to be a web and graphic designer. I’m an American student. Is it a good idea? Or is programming overseas difficult. Also is it difficult for an American student to study in London?#webdesign #london #graphicdesign #international #studyabroad #webdesigner #britain #graphic-design...

Gerardo’s Avatar
Gerardo Sep 24, 2018 1133 views

I want to major in computer science. What classes should I take?

I want to do something like cyber security or write code for companys. #computer-science #programming #computer-engineering #computer-software

Kali’s Avatar
Kali Nov 19, 2018 810 views

Whats a good job to begin with in the business industry?

I am starting to go into office administration and wanted to know which business or anything related to it (work, experience, ect) would help me to know more about my future career. #career #business

Melvin Summerville’s Avatar
Melvin Oct 31, 2018 1206 views

Are there any engineering/programming jobs that use Arduino?

As a rising mechanical engineering graduate with an interest in programming, I want to know if there's any jobs out there that seriously focus on Arduino, or any kind of mechanical engineering jobs that use any programming languages at all. Thanks! #engineer #engineering #programming #career...