Career questions tagged dreams

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Hund211 views

Why does it have to be so hard to get to your dream?

Am serious about that

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Emma840 views

What should/can i do now to prepare me for an Ivy league college?

its is a dream/goal of mine to attended an Ivy League college, and i was wondering if i could do something now to aid me in reaching that goal. :)

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Betsy1069 views

How should I start my business ?

I’m 13 and want to start a business how should I start and what are some things to keep in mind I am homeschooled and am have lots of free time however I will return to school when I am 15 what should I do?

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Moyemi307 views

Can i become an actor,writer as well a singer at thesame time? Or w Is what I thought true... I would write ar home,sing at studio and go for theatre art course at the UNIVERSITY, does it work like that

Entertainment and art

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Vanessa797 views

How to pick a career?

How would you determine a career path when you have multiple dreams and goals?

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Account717 views

Will you give me some tips on how to improve my anatomy and physiology exams?

On my last question, #college #medicine I realized that I shouldn't give up on my dream of becoming a nurse. However, what strategies can I use to do a good performance in my exams? should I read my notes every 15 minutes per day? or maybe read them 40 minutes per day? or what kind of strategies would you recommend me? I really need help to improve my score in my exams. #dreams #nurses #2020 #HELP #2023 #exams #books

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Jessica582 views

What is a pediatrician?? Why I choose that.

I want to be a pediatrician in the future yes I know is a long course and I’ll have to really study hard to be there. My dream possible job is hard but it’s only hard if I make it hard for me. ✨ so yea I choose that for me which possibly I could make it come true if I really want to #medicine #pediatrician #nurse #Dreams

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Camilo778 views

what is the one thing you wish you could accomplish?

Everyone has that one dream they wish to accomplish. However, when faced with uncertainty & doubt, we tend to give up & take the “safer path”. As a result, our dreams go unfulfilled. If you could accomplish anything in your life, as crazy or ridiculous as it may seem, what would it be? #sucess #dreams #career #college

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Christina1161 views

Should I go into the business career or should I follow my dreams.

My parents always pressure me to aim high and get a good job that pays me well. My dreams are to become an idol, singer, dancer, actress, model (mainly more into the entertainment industry which is really hard to get into). My parents do not agree with my dreams and rather have to go into marketing/business or a career/industry that will "provide me with better financial". I only have one life and I don't want to make the wrong choice. Growing up I had always loved performing on stage and showing my talents. At the same time I want to open up a café or shop later down in my life too. What should I do? #Dreams #career #music #marketing #business #celebrity #modeling #goals #motivation

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K.B. Wellington794 views

What is the best way to jump start an acting career?

I want to know this because my dream job is to become a Hollywood actor. I know that this is a competitive field, but I am up for the challenge because I know I am a good actor, and I want to make money off of it. I want to start as soon as possible, and if I could get some help on how to start my career, I would greatly appreciated. #Acting #Future #Careers #Entertainment #Dreams

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Karim831 views

As a graduate out of college, would it be best to do an internship at the company of your dreams or accept an entry level position that pays your requested salary?

#dreams, #internship

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Andrea908 views

Balancing reality and a dream?

I've wanted to study engineering, more specifically mechanical, since before I entered high school. And although I still love the discipline and have no doubts about my desire, I know that one reason I like the path is that it is relatively secure. But recently, I've had a dream of going into the sports media world, because I've been obsessed about stuff like that since I was a kid. I'm not looking for a "Go for it!" or "If you can dream it, you can do it!" answer, I want someone's honest opinion. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #sports #sports-media #dreams

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Mariya699 views

How do you know the difference between risk taking and making rash decisions when choosing a college?

When looking at my college options, I understand that I have big dreams. I want to be a successful political journalist who attends a serious and respectable school. Looking back, I don't want to regret not pursuing oppurtunities and not taking risks. However, now I am in a cross road. Do I venture out of state and attend a college that will leave me in significant debt or do I play it smart and stay home, attending a local college. At what point do you cross the line between rewardful risk taking and reckless decision making? #college #dreams #risk-taking #future #university #professional #decision-making

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Mariya1021 views

Are you bound to a future of low income if your current financial situation limits your college options?

Growing up, I was the daughter of a single mother. Our financial situation could be classified as the grey area between poverty and lower middle class. Now, as I embark onto University life, my parents cannot financially support me. This leaves me choosing between community college and in state local college. My dreams are of Stanford, but my budget is of a junior college. Am I bound to a life of middle to lower middle class income through the restrictions of my post high school education. #lowincome #tuition #ivyleague #communitycollege #instate #financial-aid #financial #university #dreams #journalism #education

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Sarah2536 views

Best way to apply for scholarships

I'm a current college student and I'm finding hard to pay for the rest of my time at school. What's the best way to find scholarships that actually will help me. I've come so far and don't want to give up my dream yet. #dreams #scholarship #scholarships #college #financial-aid

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