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Howard Christiansen’s Avatar

Howard Christiansen

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
New York, New York
52 Answers
50972 Reads
62 Karma

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Ava’s Avatar
Ava Aug 20 775 views

What should I stay away from if I want to be more self disaplined?

for instance YouTubers certain foods serten ways of thinking and so and so forth and so on how should I think mentally. I am a sophmore in highschool btw

Xeronimo’s Avatar
Xeronimo Aug 16 290 views

What are the best ways to stay motivated when you feel yourself slowing down?

I would like to know some tips on how others are truly able to keep going and working towards their goal.

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa May 21 367 views

What helps keep motivation to do well in school?

As a high school student about to be a senior and trying to go to medical school I feel like I am losing motivation to continue studying outside of class. I no longer feel the sense of urgency to care about my grades, but I am trying. What helps other people keep their motivation to study and...

Javion’s Avatar
Javion May 02 527 views

How do I become successful in earning money?

Some examples lead to watching videos, having a mentor or if family member or friend or relative you can ask for advice if they have a career in the business world.

Alice’s Avatar
Alice May 01 464 views

How do I gain motivation ?

Am very good at writing,designing and painting but I have no motivation to do such who can help me? Thanks…

maxwel’s Avatar
maxwel Apr 08 772 views

what is the best buiness mangement style?

management tips

Julissa’s Avatar
Julissa Mar 27 453 views

How can I stay motivated?

After studying for so long, and I will keep going after high-school how should I stay motivated? How do I overcome obstacles?

Anuv’s Avatar
Anuv Mar 01 1025 views

How to i always stayed motivated ?

Motivation is the king

abraham’s Avatar
abraham Feb 29 664 views

How can I be more confident to be more prepared to become a business man.

I am a 8th grader who values business but in order to do that I need to become more confident.

Jay’s Avatar
Jay Feb 15 518 views

How do I get motivated after getting burnt out?

I've been struggling to get work done, even the stuff I love doing feels like pulling teeth at this point. how do I motivate myself?

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Feb 12 1099 views

What is business management ?

What's business management

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Jan 19 800 views

How do I boost my motivation in school?

I know I can be a straight A student, as I have before, but I just don’t have the no motivation. I understand what I’m doing I just don’t do it. Any tips?

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Dec 22, 2023 1383 views

How do I make myself stand out when looking for a business management job?

I think I may go to college whenever I get a baseball scholarship to! The college must have some sort of business degree!

lia’s Avatar
lia Dec 11, 2023 2479 views

If I want to study business management, what should I expect?

I really want to major in business management because I want to work in big events like sport events and be part of making events possible, but I don't know if it is for me because I am not so god at math and numbers.

Aliya’s Avatar
Aliya Nov 03, 2023 3791 views

What are some different ways that I can overcome challenges and struggles in life ?

As a high school student there are different challenges that I come across, but what are some different ways that I may be able to approach them?
Would you say that some challenges shape the way you are now as a person?